Season 7 AU- part 2; Escaping the Anomaly

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*video by AN VII on youtube*
*Bellamy and Clarke have to relive their fears of losing one another to make it out of the Anomaly alive*

As soon as the pair stepped into the Anomaly they were torn from one another. Hands ripped apart like so many times before.

Clarke could hear Bellamy screaming her name in the distance, but she could no longer see him.

The ground moved from underneath Clarke, she fell, hitting a metal floor. Hard.

"Well, well, well look who decided to show." A voice taunted from the shadows.

"Who's there?" Clarke demanded into the darkness, standing and trying to get her bearings back.

She knew this place. The high walls, the concrete drenched in blood.

She looked up. Octavia Blake sat on a throne, peering down at her with distain.

This was not Bellamy's Octavia. This was Bloodreina.

"Octavia." Clarke gasped, reaching up toward the girl.

An unknown force pulled Clarke to her knees.

"Octavia is gone." Bloodreina spit.

"She died with Lincoln. She died the day her brother left her in a bunker. She died the first day she had to take a life. Octavia Blake died the day she was captured and thrown in lock up for being born."

"Octavia please. Bellamy's desperate to see you. You disappeared. He can't live without you." Clarke begged. There was a dining in her ears now, growing ever louder.

"Now you care about Bellamy?" The voice changed. It was Echo sitting on the throne now, her arrow poised at Clarke.

"I always cared." The words slipped out of Clarke's mouth before she could stop them.

"That's why you left him here to die?" She hissed, kicking down the fence with a blast so strong that Clarke fell onto her back.

Echo jumped down, moving over to Clarke who was struggling to move air in and out of her lungs.

Echo placed the heel of her boot on Clarke's throat.

"You abandoned him." She bit.

"You left him to die. The boy you supposedly love. I might be evil, Clarke, but I've never hurt Bellamy."

"You- have." Clarke breathed, there were spots clouding her vision now.

"You- betrayed his trust- you murdered Gina- you killed his sister. I am the reason- that Octavia is alive." Clark gasped.

Echo drew her foot back to end it. To break Clarke's neck; but she disappeared before she got the chance.

Clarke sat up, clutching her throat.

A woman stood in front of her.

"Mom?" Clarke cried, rushing over to envelope her mother in a hug.

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