Bellarke 6x10 AU

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*inspired by this request from IdealSpoon *
*losing Clarke again makes Bellamy realise just how much she means to him*


"We've had our time." Gabriel's voice was stern.

There were tears streaming down his face. Bellamy recognised the heartbreak in his eyes.

He'd felt it too- after finding out Clarke was dead. The tears had felt inevitable to him then. He had felt as though he would never be happy again.

But this, right here was his chance. His chance to get Clarke back, to return to Sanctum with a bargaining chip that would ensure their safety.

Clarke could raise Madi, forever protected by their deal.

He just hoped Josephine's pleas didn't screw it up.

He knew how hard it would be for Gabriel; to kill someone he loved.

"I have to let you go now." He said, moving the needle toward the girl.

"Stop!" Josephine pleaded. She turn to Bellamy, reaching out her hand to his.

"Don't do this. It will kill her." She told him. Her voice desperate.

"No. This is how we save her." Bellamy insisted.

"It won't work. It'll just put me on the mind drive, and leave Clarke's body empty. I'm the only thing keeping her alive. You don't want to be responsible for killing her. Do you?" Josephine was breathless.

"Do it." Bellamy said, looking up at Gabriel with tears eyes.

The other man nodded solemnly.

"No wait!" Josephine screamed, pulling away form Gabriel and toward Bellamy.

"You don't want to do this." She told him.

"You don't want to be response for killing a girl that has loved you for centuries." She admitted.

Bellamy's breath caught in his throat.

"What?" He gasped.

"She loves you. She's in love with you. You're more than just her family. On the ground, she dreamt of your return every night for 6 years. You know she spoke with you everyday, even when you didn't respond. Don't kill the girl that loves you." She begged.

Bellamy was crying now, tears streaming down his face as he clung to Josephine's hand.

"Clarke would..." He felt like he was going to pass out.

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