Objection- Bellarke AU (season 6)

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*Clarke crashes a wedding*
*Juli Grisel out here destroying the antis*

"Congratulations." The words were out of Clarke's mouth before she could comprehend what they meant.

Bellamy Blake has just announced that he and Echo were getting married. Married.

As if there wasn't anything more ridiculous, then postponing an exploratory mission for a wedding.

She allowed herself to glance at him for a moment, but he was staring directly at her, as if gauging her reaction.

Their eyes met, and for a brief moment it was as if Clarke could hear his thoughts.

He had doubt in his heart and Clarke knew it.

The group was up on their feet then. Raven and Shaw, Emori and Murphy all congratulating the happy couple.

Clarke was left alone. She got to her feet. Pulling Echo into a very forced hug, which the girl reciprocated, very enthusiastically.

She was blinded by happiness, Clarke could tell.

As the rest of the group filed past Echo and toward Bellamy, Clarke felt her stomach clench.

She moved toward Bellamy, and the pair stood awkwardly about a foot apart.

She didn't know how to act around him now.

Something flickered across Bellamy's face then. Hurt.

He held his arms out softly.

Clarke moved into them. Allowing herself only momentary pleasure in his arms.

She couldn't stay too long, lest she be reminded of the many times Bellamy's arms had been her salvation.

Clarke pulled away, but Bellamy's arms lingered on the small of her back.

"Congratulations." She said again, this time eyeing Bellamy warningly.

Bellamy pulled away then, feeling Echo's eyes on him.

"Thanks, Clarke." He said, his voice grizzly.

"So- give us some details. Who popped the question?" Shaw said, excitedly. It felt amazing to be part of a family.

Bellamy cleared his throat.

"It was me actually." Echo said, happily.

She put her arm around Bellamy, who smiled softly.

"That's great." Raven said, though she sounded as though she was pretending.

"Why now?" Murphy said, quizzically, echoing Clarke's thoughts.

"We've been through so much together. It just felt like the right time." Echo explained, placing her head on Bellamy's shoulder.

Bellamy smiled, but said nothing.

Clarke stood up.

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