Bellarke modern au- Stranded

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*i honestly say this about every edit but this was so well done. It showed the good and bad, the parallels and the complexity of their relationships. I think most bellarke's would agree that the reason Bellamy and Clarke make such an intriguing ship is that they have history and chemistry, and throughout any conflict they're able to forgive each other. The are complex and multifaceted, and that's why I believe that people prefer them over some more... forced ships.*
*sorry for the monologue I just went back to school and I'm in an evaluative mood*
*when a helicopter goes down, strangers Bellamy and Clarke have to find a way to survive...together*

Clarke Griffin stepped sleepily onto the the tarmac. She sipped her coffee desperately. Why was it that rural emergency happened before 5am?

Why was it that Clarke was called out to the middle of some farm before the sun was even up on days she was supposed to have off?

Clarke Griffin was a doctor. A great doctor, an emergency trauma surgeon, but if her free time (of which she had little) she dedicated her time to be an emergency healthcare provider for people on remote areas.

This morning, they were called to a farm in the middle of no where- a 3 hour helicopter ride away, to help a young man who was currently crushed by a tractor.

The young man had been assessed by a doctor in the area who ruled the injury above his area of expertise, which meant Clarke had to attend to the patient before emergency services could remove him from under the tractor.

Clarke shook her head, walking toward Monty.

Monty smiles warming at her, excited for the day.

Monty was in training to become a critical trauma paramedic and as such had been shadowing Claire for about 3 months.

He was eager to please and Clarke honestly found it exhausting to maintain his high energy.

The boy was only 21. Clarke was 29, almost 30, one of the youngest surgeons in her hospital. But today she felt older than God.

She yawned, waking up to the pilot.

He was a tall man, towering easily over Clarke, he had dark brown hair and dark eyes to match, but somehow he had a soft face.


Clarke had gotten pretty good at reading people in her job. She felt safe with this man.

She nodded at him, and without a word the trio entered the aircraft.

Once they were seated, Monty gripped the armrests of his seat tightly.

Clarke noticed he was a sickly shade of white.

"You okay, Green?" She asked, a smile finding its way to her face.

"Cruel nickname for someone who's afraid of flying." The pilot added.

He laughed heartily.

Clarke was taken aback, but pleased with the addition.

"You do look a little green." She whispered, before placing her headset on.

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