If Bellamy heard Clarke's radio

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*Inspired by this video by ful.FILM.ent*

*This will not contain the exact radio calls from Clarke*

Bellamy Blake was broken. Everyone in space with him knew it. They could see in his eyes the pain of losing someone who he loved. 

He was inconsolable. He wasn't eating or sleeping. He just sat, watching the Earth burn. 

It had been 2 months since Primefaya, and he had barely spoken since. 

The only words he'd said in a week were "I left her behind."   

At night, he'd curl into a ball and press his hand against the glass. 

He didn't sleep often, but when he did he always woke screaming her name. 

He was grieving on the most dangerous level. 

It was his fault. 

She was dead because of him. 

Worse than anything was the fact that he had loved her. 

God had he loved her. 

He had intended to tell her when she had gotten back from the satellite. 

But she never came back. 

Oftentimes he was reduced to vomiting, his grief so intense that it made him physically ill. 

He hadn't spoken to anyone in 3 days, when someone finally approached him. 

"Bellamy?" He heard Raven ask timidly. 

Bellamy didn't respond or even sit upright, he laid there and cried, too consumed by grief to care about his bad boy, 'whatever the hell we want' image. 

He thought back to their first year on the ground. 

How his hate for Clarke Griffin had turned from distrust, to tolerance, to trust, to friendship, to love. He let out a heaving sob. 

He felt Raven's hand on his back. 

"Bellamy, I know-" She began. 

Bellamy shot up, whipping his head around to look at her.

He had a sick, sadistic grin on his  face. 

"You know do you?" He laughed manically. 

"You know what it's like to leave the person you love to die so that you can live?" He taunted.

"We all miss her." Raven said defensively. 

He grabbed Raven roughly by the shoulders. 

"Miss her?" He laughed. 

"You didn't even know her." He spat. 

He threw her to the side. 

"I'd suggest not coming back here. Unless someone you love dies, while you watch." He hissed. 

Raven let out a cry. 

"They already did."


Bellamy was left to feel guilty for four more days before someone came darting into the room. 

"Bellamy you have to see this!" It was Monty, grabbing frantically at him. 

"What the hell Monty!" He exclaimed angrily. 

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