Season 1 AU- Clarke is Octavia's girlfriend

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*if Clarktavia had been cellmates and girlfriends before the ground*

Clarke Griffin held her girlfriend's hand as she plummeted toward the Earth.

She shut her eyes as the shuttle rocked back and forth. She felt completely sick.

She heard the girl beside her laugh.

"You okay baby?" The girl asked.

Clarke looked up at Octavia Blake, her bright eyes swimming with worry for her girlfriend.

"Sure..." Clarke breathed sarcastically.

Octavia leant forward and pressed her lips to Clarke's.

Clarke laughed as a group of boys cheered.

She touched the other girl's face.

"Thank you." She whispered.

She remembered when they first met. Octavia Blake had been thrown into her cell cussing like a sailor.

Clarke laughed.

"Hello there." She joked, she was lying in her bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Hi." Octavia barked.

"Oooh a feisty one." Clarke joked.

"Don't get a lot of those in high security." She said sarcastically.

Octavia crossed her arms against her chest.

"I'm not feisty, I'm angry." Octavia replied.

"I get moved to a joint room with someone who was supposed to be in solitary because they can't keep the other rooms running. What is that?" She ranted.

Clarke jumped from her bed.

"They can't keep the other rooms running?" She questioned.

Octavia looked confused. "Something about damage to the outer wall?" She replied.

Clarke sat in front of her.

"Tell me everything."

There relationship had started slow. They barely talked, unless it was truly necessary, but after about 3 months they are in each other's bed, almost every night, talking about life, death and everything in between.

It had taken all of Clarke's courage to lean forward and kiss O, but she did, and Octavia kissed her back. The most beautiful girl in the world had kissed her back.

The rocket shuddered again and Clarke grasped O's hand tightly.

"We're gunna die in here." She gasped.

Octavia took Clarke's face in her hands.

"We're not." She assured her.

They were in silence for a moment.

"I love you Clarke." Octavia whispered. It was the first time she said it. But she had felt it for over 6 months now.

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