Baby Blake (AU) - Part 2

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*this ful.FILM.ent video was here long before the new chapter was. It is actually incredible. I could never write anything like it. Especially because it would involve killing Clarke 😅*
*back to the update*

"I'm pregnant."

The words rung in Bellamy's ears.

Echo's of his old life, when he dreamt of getting married and having children, something he thought was long gone when he was sent to the ground.

Here it sat though, his future.

A world where he could be a husband and a father.

Here too sat Clarke Griffin- a girl he had loved for years.

They had always been a maybe, a what if, an almost.

Now they could be everything.

"Clarke I..." Bellamy was lost for words.

She was looking up at him, eyes pleading with him.

"Say something." She whimpered.

"I'm..." Bellamy was lost again, thoughts of Echo now wracked his mind.

She had never done anything to wrong him- yet he betrayed her. He couldn't think about that now though. All he could think about was Clarke.

"I'm so happy." Bellamy whispered.

Clarke moved from the ground onto her knees. The pair were now level.

"What?" She asked gently.

"I'm so happy." Bellamy breathed.

He pulled Clarke into a tight hug, tears streaming down his face.

He had never known his father, but he would do better- be better.

"I love you so much, Clarke." He whispered.

The words sent chills down Clarke's spine.

"What about Echo?" She questioned, pulling back to look at him.

She wiped the tears from his eyes.

He was genuinely happy.

"It's over. Say the word." Bellamy admitted.

Clarke pulled away.

"I thought you loved her?" She said, her voice critical.

"I love you." Bellamy said again, reaching for Clarke's hand.

"How do I know that you're not just saying that? Because of the baby?" Clarke whimpered.

"Clarke Griffin I have been in love with you since our first few months on the ground. Since you put me in my place, since you showed me that forgiveness and love do not equal weakness. Since you forgave me in the forest that night when I thought I had nothing. The years after Primefaya were the worst of my life. I have loved you everyday for almost 200 years. Us having a child only makes that love stronger." Bellamy admitted.

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