Bellarke Modern AU- Fake fiancé

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*Clarke needs a fake fiancé and Bellamy is available... and in love with her*

It had been a long day. Long. Clarke had just finished a 12 hour shift in the ER and was looking to lie down. It was 5am and as she entered her apartment complex light was just beginning to fill the sky. She sighed, running her hand over her face as she pressed the elevator button. She shouldn't have agreed to work the overnight after a week of day shifts. She had traded shifts with her friend Monty in order to have the weekend clear. It was her mom's 50th birthday, and since her father had died just a year ago she was desperate to make it.

Clarke moved toward her apartment, pressing her key into the lock. It was already open.

Finn must have left it open when he'd come home last night. From what Clarke could make out from his drunken texts he'd finished his gig at 3.

She opened the door then, throwing her bag onto the kitchen counter and kicking off her shoes, not bothering about how loud she was. She knew Finn slept like the dead after his shows.

Clarke debated for a moment whether or not she should shower. Yes she was covered in work grossness, but the allure of a warm bed and more than 4 hours sleep was almost two much.

She fought against herself, pulling herself toward the bathroom.

Clarke realised that the shower was running. She thought that Finn would have been asleep by now, but it might be nice to see fiancé for once in a blue moon.

She moved into the bathroom, throwing back the shower curtain.

"Got room for one more?"

Clarke gasped, Finn wasn't alone. A girl with dark hair and tanned skin was pressed up against the wall of the shower, cowering desperately behind the curtain.

"Clarke I can..." excuses began pouring out of Finn's mouth.

It wasn't what it looked like. He didn't think she'd be home so early. It was just one time. You can't throw away our whole relationship over one mistake.

He followed her out into the hall, a towel wrapped haphazardly around his waist.

"Clarke," he reached out for her.

"Don't touch me." Clarke growled.

"It's over Finn."

"Clarke, please." He begged, pulling out the fake tears.

Clarke laughed, tears streaming down her own face now.

"Save it for someone who cares, better yet, go cry in front of her and see if it gets you laid again."


It was just after 5am when Bellamy Blake received a flurry of texts from his best friend Clarke Griffin.

He squinted at the screen of his phone, trying to force his tired eyes to read the words on the screen.

Bellamy, can you talk?

Bellamy knew it must have been serious. Clarke Griffin wasn't really a 'sharer', she was something more along the lines of keep it bottled up until it kills you.

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