Murven AU- dying alone would have sucked

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*video by LightwoodBlake on youtube*
*something a little different for y'all*
*iiEatCupcakez requested a murven fic and as they're one of my low key fav ships I thought I'd oblige*
*let me know if y'all would like to see more of this in the future whether it be in this story or in a new fic*
*Raven and Murphy are stuck together, facing almost certain death*

*^^John Murphy being the good man I know he is*
*also quick disclaimer I LOVE John Murphy and his inner dialogue reflects how I think he feels not how I feel... okay back to your regularly scheduled programming*

"Now Murphy!" Bellamy's words rang in John's ears.
He was always leaving, always betraying, always pushing people away because in the end he knew he wasn't worthy of them.

Even Emori, a girl he thought saw past his hard and rigid exterior, had finally broken. And now he was well and truly alone.

Alone like Raven would be in a matter of minutes.

John couldn't stand the idea of the girl he had hurt so long ago now, being alone for more than a second.

Raven was so strong. Always making sacrifices for others.

He couldn't do it.

He couldn't force his legs to move.

"I'm staying to." The words escaped his mouth before he could stop then.

All of his friends turned then, looking at him with a shock that made him sick to his stomach.

He was John Murphy, useless, selfish. They couldn't believe he would do this.

"Raven might need back up." He reasoned.

The group was silent. Murphy felt their eyes borrowing into him.

"What?" He joked.

"With Emori flying this is the survivors move." He told them.

"See you on the other side." He finished before they could say anything, before the could beg him to leave.

Because he would give in. Stupid, useless John Murphy.

Emori closed the airlock then, and as John walked away he knew it was over between them.

She didn't cry for him, or beg. The old Emori- the one that was in love with him. She would have.


Raven stared out into space- literally.

She somehow always knew she would die alone.

But if she was honest she thought it would have been on the Arc. At the hand of drink like her mother.

Certainly not alone, on an enemy ship. Surrounded by almost 300 criminals.

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