Bellarke season 7 trailer AU- Bellamy gets taken by the Anomaly

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*Bellamy gets pulled into the Anomaly and thrown back in time*

Bellamy Blake's cries could be heard throughout the whole forest. He was still calling for his sister despite hours having past.

Echo had tried to pull him inside, to have him help in the questioning of Hope, but he wouldn't budge. He just stood, looking desperately at the darkening horizon.

"O..." Bellamy voice broke, only a whisper now escaping him as he fell to his knees.

"O, please come back." He shut his eyes, tears streaming down his face.

His sister. His responsibility.

He had turned his back on her and now she was gone.

An insistent rustling forced his eyes open. The leaves around him began to move, picked up by the wind, dancing in perfect circles as if being puppeteered by an unseen force.

"Octavia!" Bellamy called, more desperate now.

His words though, we cut off quickly as Bellamy felt someone grab the back of his shirt.

"Come on big brother." A voice that didn't sound entirely real growled and Bellamy was dragged by his collar backward.

He screamed, the shock and horror of what was happening getting to him.

As he looked up he noticed that there was no one there, no one pulling him, and yet the unseen entity dragged him further into the woods.

Bellamy watched in horror as the sky around him turned bright green. The smog engulfing him as he fought desperately against it.

It felt like something was holding him down, pressing on his chest.

He couldn't breathe, as he squirmed underneath the weight.

"Help." He whispered hopelessly.



Bellamy awoke in a lush green clearing, the sun beating down on his face, warming him.

He sat up with fervour, his eyes desperately searching the plain for his sister.

He was alone.

Bellamy pulled himself to his feet. It felt like he'd been in a fight the day before, he could see blood on his knuckles and bruising on his hands, he could feel it on the rest of his body.

He had no inclination of where he was, no way to know where to go.

The sound of a child laughing startled him, he took off in the direction of the noise, breaking through the tree line.

He was in a small village now, small wooden houses lines around some outdoor tables, and a fire pit.

He noticed in he distance, sat at one of the tables, a woman with short blonde hair, sitting into front of a young girl with dark hair.

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