Bellarke 3x01 AU- Come home

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*Bellamy, Indra and crew arrive at Niylah's store just as Clarke is leaving*
*Fic recommendation by the lovely assorted_rxses *

"My people believe that when you kill someone, you get their power."

Bellamy could hear Indra speak but the words felt far away. There was a knot forming in his stomach, wrapping around his intestines, threatening to swallow him whole. The knowledge that one of the most ruthless grounder nations was after Clarke made him sick to his stomach.

He couldn't think about her alone out there, wracked with guilt over what they did. It broke his heart.

"Kill Wanheda and you command death," Indra continued, her voice solemn.

"She's just one girl." Kane replied, incredulously.

Bellamy wanted to correct him. Clarke was so much more than one girl. She was their saviour, she was the reason he was alive, she was the reason he wanted to be.

He could never say that of course, he could never tell anyone, so he kept his mouth shut.

"So was the Commander. What Clarke did at Mount Weather weakened her. The Ice nation is emboldened. Their Queen wants Clarke's power. If her people believe she has it, she'll break the coalition and start a war. I can't let that happen."

Bellamy felt the same. He couldn't let anything happen to Clarke, not after everything they had been through together.

His mind flashed to Gina then. He shouldn't think about Clarke like that. But he couldn't help it, picturing Clarke while he was with her.

It was never really Gina hand he was holding or lips he was touching. She was a lovely girl but she would never be Clarke. No one could ever be Clarke.

"Welcome to Sector 7," Monty's voice interrupted Bellamy's thoughts.

"Where to now?"

"If she's here she'll need supplies," Indra responded.

"We'll start at the trading posts."


Bellamy walked through the door to a trading post with his group. His eyes were peeled for any sign of that blonde head of hair that was so familiar to him.

He needed to see her, even if for only a moment, just to know she was alive.

He walked around the store, watching as Kane moved toward the counter.

There was a blonde woman standing behind it, looking at them suspiciously.

"Have you seen this girl?" Kane asked, trying his best to sound diplomatic. He held a drawing of Clarke toward the girl.

Bellamy watched recognition sweep across her face, but she shook her head.

"No." She lied.

Bellamy felt anger bubble inside of him.

"Liar." He accused moving toward the girl rapidly.

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