Part 100- it's what we deserved

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*Inspired by ful.FILM.ent on youtube*
*Clarke wants to follow Octavia into the Anomaly. Bellamy can't lose anyone else*


Bellamy stared wide eyed at Clarke.

She had said it. The words he'd been terrified to hear since he almost lost her.. and since he lost Octavia.

It had been two days since the Anomaly inexplicably swallowed Octavia whole.

For two days Bellamy had been pinned down by grief. He had just gotten his sister back. And then he'd lost her.

Gabriel was working with Raven on a plan, a way to reverse engineer the stone. And even with the help of Hope -who was spared only because she promised to help get Octavia back- progress was painfully slow.

Clarke had come into his room this morning after Echo left.

"I want to go into the Anomaly." She spoke with that Clarke Griffin conviction. That hope and spirit that made you want to follow her, to fight beside her.

"We need answers as to what this- thing is before we settle down here." She told him, gauging his reaction.

He remained silent, staring at her in disbelief.

"I could get Octavia back." She wagered, moving forward to take his hands in her own.

Bellamy shook his head.

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to let you do this alone." He choked.

Clarke shook her head. She wanted to tell him that it was too dangerous. That she couldn't risk his life.

"Bellamy, our people need you here." She told him instead.

"Please stay." Bellamy whimpered, tightening his grip on Clarke's hands.

God how long she had waited for him to say those words. How long she had waited for him.

"No. I can't. I'm not stopping until we know what's out there." Clarke insisted.

"Gabriel and Raven will come up with something." Bellamy rebutted, desperate to persuade her.

"Your sister is out there, Bellamy. Don't you care?" Clarke snipped.

She was desperate to get out of there.

If she was honest, being around him since he saved her life last was hard.

There had been so much passion between them in that moment. Clarke had thought that maybe he left... like she did.

"I care about you." Bellamy told her, holding her gaze.

"Clarke I can't lose you again." He admitted.

Clarke smiled, ignoring the pulling feeling in her chest. Ignoring the urge to pull him close and never let anything hurt him.

He had been through so much.

"Take this," She told him, placing a radio in his hand.

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