Season 4- The way that hug should have ended

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*if they hadn't been interrupted*

Bellamy Blake said goodbye to his sister, possibly for the last time. Chances were they would die on their way to space.

Chances are he'd die.

And though his heart physically ached at the thought of leaving his sister behind, he was now more worried about Clarke Griffin.

A girl who had been pushed to and over the edge many many times... and now she wouldn't get to say goodbye to her mother.

She was making a huge sacrifice; and she wouldn't get to say goodbye to her mother.

The thought of Clarke going out there, to fix the connection made him sick.

How could he let someone who had done so much for him, risk her life to save him?

He wasn't worthy of her sacrifice, he wasn't worthy of her love.

But he knew, if any of them were going to survive out there... it was Clarke.

Not just because she had nightblood but because she was a fighter.

He perseverance was one of the reason he loved her.

He shook his head, as if to clear it.

He couldn't love her.

They were probably going to die soon.

No use telling her how he felt.

How every time he looked in her eyes he saw hope for a future he never thought he had.

How she made him feel more loved and accepted than any person ever had.

That in holding her, he felt safer than he ever had.

He knew he loved her.

He'd known it since that day in the forest.

That day that she killed Atom.

That's when it had started.

And though they had fought, had been on opposite sides;

Though she had loved countless others;

He still loved her.

And they always found their way back to one another.

Bellamy wiped his face.

He hadn't even noticed that he had been crying.

His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the door open.

"Hey," She said tentatively as she walked in.

She was wearing her bright orange suit, her hair pulled back in a messy platt. But Bellamy still thought she looked beautiful.

He looked up at her, with guilt in his eyes.

She neglected to notice.

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