AU- where Madi is Clarke and Bellamy's kid.

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*hey y'all, so sorry I missed a fic yesterday, this ones gunna be a long one so hereee we go*
*also Becho's not a thing here so if y'all like em, skip this chapter*

Bellamy watched Clarke from a distance, since she'd agreed to risk her life for theirs he'd had trouble looking at her, but now, while she was looking away, he let himself be mesmerised by her.

She was beautiful, and kind, she was smart, and funny. She didn't deserve to die, especially not for him.

She was squinting at the screen, her brow furrowed as she tried to figure out how they would survive this.

She was getting back with them. There was no way she was never seeing her mum again, she looked up at the boy across the room.

Or Bellamy for that matter.

"I figure we got two months until the algae farm produces enough to feed us." She began, she wanted to know she'd have a functioning place to come back to.

"If we ration the MRE's we should get there." She breathed out, letting some kind of hope fill her.

Clarke got up from her seat, and walked toward Bellamy, who until now had been deadly quiet.

"Grounders in space." He joked, desperate to return to those two kids who's biggest problem was a hoard of grounders.

"It's an oxymoron."

"Survival is a team sport." Clarke replied.

"And it's the only choice." She continued.

"Only choice," she joked, a smile lacing her lips, "also an oxymoron, by the way."

"So is cold sweat." Bellamy joked, wiping Clarke's brow.

The idiot had gone and injected herself with nightblood.

It could kill her, and it made Bellamy sick to his stomach to think about.

Clarke tingled at his touch, but ignored it. Now was no time for romance, or anything close to it.

"Still holding out hope for that nightblood solution." He stated, looking deep into her green eyes.

"There was never any solution," Clarke rebuked, "Ali was right about that." She said, looking away from him.

"Our fight is not over." He pleaded.

Clarke's heart raced. Our fight. Bellamy and her. It had always been them, fighting together or seperate, but always fighting. They deserved some peace, maybe 5 years in space was the way to do it.

"My mum had a vision of me dying, just like the one Raven had that told her there was a rocket here." Clarke was losing hope. The more she thought about retreating to space the more dangerous she realised it was.

She was about to go out in that. Oh God. She was going to die.

"It is not the same thing." Bellamy tried to convince her.

"They were both EMP'd." Clarke disputed.

"Abby will be fine too." He spoke again, his voice gruff with emotion.

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