5x13- Bellarke finally talk about the radio calls

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*fulFILment giving me the feels again*

Clarke sat amongst the tattered remains of her people.

She had just finished saving Gaia's leg. A huge feat that she was genuinely proud of herself for achieving.

Her heart still felt heavy however.

They had just, almost single handedly destroyed the Earth.

Her children, and future generations would never know the feelings of the sun on their faces, they'd see the woods glow, or the moon shine.

With lost chances on her mind she thought of Bellamy Blake.

The boy that she had thought she loved for 6 years.

6 absolutely horrible years.

Sure Madi had been there.

She had stopped her from going completely insane.

But it was Bellamy, the thought of him, those radio calls that kept her from ending her own life.

There were days where she thought Madi would be better off alone.

That was depression for you, it had a way of convincing you that you didn't matter.

Bellamy had been the only person that made Clarke feel like she mattered.

Finn had loved her, but she felt like a second choice to him.

Lexa had loved her, but she still felt like a political alliance when she was with her.

She had read novels of the Ark about political marriages in the monarchy.

Lexa felt like that, even though there was love evident.

Then there was Bellamy Blake.

Despite their rough start (literally) he always made her feel like she had a direct effect on the world around them.

She closed her eyes and was pulled back to the gates at Arcadia.

Bellamy was begging her to stay, his brown eyes pleading with her.

Tears formed in her eyes, as a different Bellamy stood before her.

'You left me'

She remembered that day.

She had been too in love with Lexa to see the love in his eyes, the betrayal.

Clarke wiped her eyes.

The real Bellamy Blake stood before her.

"Clarke are you hurt?" He whispered, panicked.

He belt before her, putting his hands on her knees.

She looked down at him.

"Not physically." She smirked, wiping her eyes.

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