Bellarke Modern AU- One last time

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*Clarke Griffin breaks up with Bellamy Blake, until she realises she can't be without him*

Clarke Griffin stared at the board at the front of the class. Something about differential diagnosis. She needed to focus. Needed to read the words, to retain them. The first year of med school was arguably the most crucial.

She couldn't focus though. Her mind was stuck. Replaying a memory over and over. A memory from 2 days ago.

"I need this job, Clarke." Bellamy raked his hand across his face. He was sitting on the lounge in front of her, head in his hands.

"Octavia wants to go to college and there is no way Mom will be able to pay for it on a waitresses salary. The owner of this auto-shop asked for me specifically. Said that he'd make me partner if I did well enough. I can't pass this up."

He looked up at her. She could see the tears in his eyes. As much as she knew he didn't want to leave. It still felt like he was abandoning her.

"Bellamy, California is a 5 hour flight from Washington. You wanna move over 2000 miles away just for money? I'll pay for Octavia to go to school. You know my mom would help..." she reasoned.

"It's not about the money."

"Then what it is about?" She demanded. It was hard to keep the anger from her voice.

"It's about..." he hesitated.

"It's about leaving the town I grew up at least once before I die."

Clarke folded her arms across her chest. She couldn't help but feel like his comment was targeted at her. The pair had been together for almost 5 years. They'd met while Clarke was in pre med and hadn't spent more than two days apart since.

Sure they fought. Every couple did. But with them fights ended in more passion, more fire. In 5 years they hadn't fizzled out.

"What're you saying?" Clarke voice was thick as she tried not to cry.

"Clarke. This isn't about us. It's about me. I need to get out of this place. Make something for myself. Make Octavia proud. Put her through school on my own dime. Baby please..."

He had reached out to touch her but she had already pulled away.

"If you're leaving. You're leaving for good. Don't expect me to be here when you get back. Don't expect long distance."

"Clarke." She could see the tears in Bellamy's eyes.

"No. Bellamy. If my life... is too home town, too... small for you..." the words burned in her throat, she turned away.

"Then leave."

Bellamy's hand was on her shoulder then and as much as Clarke wanted to pull him close. To beg him to stay. She knew she needed to let him go.

She pushed his hand off of her shoulder.

"I said leave!" She screamed at him, turning around to shove him in the chest.

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