Bellarke Modern AU- "I couldn't protect you"

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*Amazing video by Tracy edits on youtube*
*shout out to 2003flicka for this inspo*
*Bellamy is a rookie cop desperate to impress his boss and climb the ranks, his resolve is tested when he has to deal with a personal case, regarding someone very close to him*
*Trigger warning: assault*

"Bell!" Clarke Griffin pounded on the door.

"Bellamy Blake open up!" She shouted.

There was a moment of stillness before the door opened, steam billowing out from behind a tall, masculine frame.

"You called?" Bellamy slouched against the door, his hand securing the towel around his waist.

"You've been in the shower for like 20 minutes, we're going to have no hot water left." She scolded him.

The boy looked unimpressed.

"I told you there's an easy way for us to save water." He joked, running a hand through his wet curls.

"I'm not showering with you, Bellamy." Clarke insisted, but she had to force herself to look away from his strong frame.

"You won't shower with me but you'll shower with your TA, nice." Bellamy defended.

"Finn and I were a one time thing. Plus- I found out he has a girlfriend- so it doesn't matter." She sighed, looking suddenly forlorn.

How could she have known that the TA for her art history course would break her heart?

Bellamy could see the pain on Clarke's face. They'd been housemates for almost a year now, Clarke living off campus but attending art school, Bellamy just starting out with the police force and even though they didn't talk often he felt like he knew the girl. She was one of his best friends. Though he would never admit that to her.

"Well the offer still stands, if you want." He joked, trying to make her smile.

A small smile traced Clarke's lips.  Bellamy might be an idiot, but he always knew how to make her smile.

"Never." She laughed.

"I see." Bellamy pretended to think for a moment, before shutting and locking the bathroom door.

"Bellamy!" Clarke exclaimed, she could hear the shower running again.

She heard Bellamy laugh from behind the door.

"You made your choice, Princess!"


"Hey Clarke!" A voice over Clarke's shoulder startled her as she started walking toward the bus. Her day at college had just ended, and she was in a hurry to get home to finish her paper before the deadline tomorrow.

She knew the voice instantly. Finn. Her heart jumped in her chest. She didn't feel for him anymore. She wouldn't let herself.

She ignored him, continuing forward, pulling her laptop case closer to her.

"Clarke!" The boy tried again, grabbing the girl by the shoulder.

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