Bellarke 6x10 AU- Her Bellamy

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*video by OLIVIA JAY on youtube*
*Josephine offers Clarke a chance to live the life she has always dreamed of*

The last thing Clarke remembered was darkness, all consuming darkness that felt inescapable. She knew she had died. What else could make someone feel this way? What else could have her feeling like she was trapped in an eternal emptiness?

Now though, the void around her, the inescapable darkness began to change. Pinpricks of light blinding her eyes as they tried desperately to adjust to the light.

She blinked.

Clarke Griffin sat in a dwelling unlike anyone she had ever seen. A house. An Earth house like before the bombs.

Though she had never seen it, it felt like a home to her.

The sound of the front door opening startled her.

"Clarke?" She heard a male voice called, followed by the sound of pattering feet.

The man entered the room, holding what Clarke recognised as a dog on a lease.

"Finn." Clarke's heart felt like it was going to fall out of her chest. She jumped up, running and pulling the boy into her arms.

"Woah hey, hey, what's wrong princess?" His voice was kind, like the Finn she loved, not the Finn she killed.

Clarke pulled away, her body cold.

Finn was dead.

This wasn't real.

"Who are you?" She cried, moving away from him.

"Clarke, what's wrong?"

"No, no, this isn't real."

"Clarke." The boy tried to move closer but Clarke stumbled over the coffee table.


The world spun once more, Clarke was back in the darkness again.

'You're gunna make this real hard on me aren't you, Clarke?'

A female voice spoke from above. She didn't recognise it, but it sounded close, like someone was whispering in her ear.

"What are you?" Clarke screamed, but the voice that came out of her sounded like the one above.

The darkness swirled again, and now Clarke sat on a porch, looking out of the lush green grass of her backyard.

Again she felt at home.

It felt like she'd lived here for years, that she'd found a place where she felt safe. Loved.

"Clarke, where are you?" A female voice called from in the house.

"On the porch!" She called back instinctively, the person inside wasn't a threat, part of her knew that.

The back door opened and Clarke heard someone step outside.

"Hey gorgeous." The girl spoke again.

Clarke looked up.

"Lexa?" She gasped. The girl stood in front of her wearing a suit. Clarke somehow knew she'd just returned home from work.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Lexa joked, sitting down next to the girl and kissing her gently.

Clarke closed her eyes and let herself be kissed, revelling in the sensation. It was tender, passionate, just like their last kiss.

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