Perhaps the wildest Bellarke AU- Pretty Woman inspired

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*iconic film, iconic duo, lets go*
*this is probably the most AU that an AU has ever been so hang on*

Clarke Griffin wasn't a bad girl.

She hadn't wanted this life.

She had wanted to be a director of all things.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Now she was in LA with no money, no stable home and a stupid black wig that she used to conceal her identity.

She stood on the side of the road. She adjusted her wig and leans against the street sign.

Someone would come.

They always did.

Sex sold and it sold no where better than LA.

Raven Reyes walked up beside her.

The girl was in stiletto heels but she still walked silently.

"God Reyes, warn a girl next time!" Clarke gasped in shock.

Reyes laughed.

"Anything good out?" She asked, adjusting her top.

Raven was just about the sexiest woman Clarke had ever seen.

Why she was friends with Clarke was beyond her.

Also why she was still here, still working the street corner as opposed to being a model, or an actress or anything other than this.

"Not a lot." Clarke sighed.

"You got this months rent?" She asked Raven, trying to sound nonchalant.

It was the third month in a row the other girl had not paid their bills and they were days away from being kicked out.

Clarke couldn't go home.

She needed this.

"No..." The girl began, but stopped as an expensive car pulled up beside them.

"But I will." She smiled, walking toward the driver.

Clarke adjusted her wig again, nervously.

She was scared every time one of her friends got in a car.

The world was a dangerous place after all.

Raven spoke with the man for a moment before moving away in shock.

"He wants you." She said aghast.

Clarke laughed.

"Nice one Reyes." She smiled.

"I'm serious." Raven replied, stepping back up into the curb.

"Got get him." She said somewhat bitterly.

Clarke stepped nervously toward the car.

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