Bellarke on the Ark- Part 1

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*Bellamy confides in his girlfriend about the existence of his baby sister, but how will he react when he thinks that she's betrayed him*

"Bellamy," Clarke's voice was barely a whisper as she looked at the boy lying next to her.

He was asleep, soft sobs escaping him.

"Bellamy, baby wake up." The girl spoke louder, placing a hand on the boy's arm.

This is the first night they'd stayed together. Clarke's Mom was working late at the hospital and after 10 months together Clarke wanted to be able to sleep the boy she loved.

"Clarke?" Bellamy's voice was quiet, broken.

Clarke could barely seem him in the dim light but she knew he had tears in his eyes.

"Hey it's okay. It was just a nightmare." Clarke tried to comfort the boy as he sat up, turning the bedside light on.

"It wasn't just..." Bellamy stopped himself. What he wanted to say, it could be the death of Clarke, of everyone he loved. But living with this secret. For so long. He couldn't hold this tongue any longer.

He wished this could be a normal night, and he could be a normal boy, in bed with a beautiful girl.

After all this time, all this sneaking around, hooking up in closets and in the dark section of the library. After all of the challenges they'd faced he just wanted to spend one normal night with the girl he loved. He couldn't though.

"Clarke, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" Clarke's stomach was in knots.

She knew Bellamy was older, hotter, more experienced than her. And though the boy she knew would never cheat on her, she was constantly worried that his heart belonged to someone else.

He turned to her. There were still tears in his eyes, one rolling down his cheek.

Clarke wiped it away, her hand lingering on his face. If this was there last moment together Clarke would savour it.

"I've been lying to you."

Here it comes. Clarke thought. He's met someone else. Someone hotter and funnier and smarter and more adventurous, probably older. A real woman. Not a girl.

"About what?" She braced for impact, but Bellamy remained silent.

He couldn't find the words. How do you tell the girl you love that your whole life is a lie? That the man she sees in front of her is a con man. A criminal.

"It's- it's easier if I show you." He told her.

Clarke's mind raced. Maybe it wasn't what she thought. How could it be? It wasn't likely he was taking her to meet his mistress.

"Get dressed." He told her, getting out of bed, and throwing on his guard uniform.

They would be able to move through the halls with limited suspicion.

Clarke obliged, putting on her scrubs as she always did when they moved around a night together.

If anyone asked them, Clarke was an intern and Bellamy was asked to escort her to med bay to deal with a particularly violent patient.

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