The Tutor- Part 3

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*Bellamy and Clarke grow closer, surprise, surprise*
*Trigger warning: violence*

The house imposed on Clarke once again as she made her way to the door. The heavy knocker cold against her hand. Bellamy opening the door before she even had a chance to use it.

"Griffin." He grinned at her, the corners of his eyes crinkling with glee. Clarke noticed the bruise was now fading, once a garish purple it was now a light, almost indistinguishable yellow.

People at school had believed Bellamy's story- or maybe they'd been too afraid not to. Mr Dolion wasn't the kind of man you confronted.

"Hey." She couldn't help but smile, as Bellamy slipped her backpack off of her shoulder, carrying it up the stairs for her.

"Lots of books in here today professor." He goaded playfully.

Clarke laughed gently.

"Should I be worried?" He asked, opening the door to his room. To Clarke's surprise, the boy had cleaned. The smattering of plain black T-shirts that usually lined the floor were neatly placed in his hamper. The lines of water bottles that donned his window sill had mysteriously disappeared.

"No." Clarke said distractedly, glancing around the room.

"Did you have a date over?" She asked, amused.

"What?" Bellamy stifled a laugh, throwing himself lazily onto his made bed.

"Your room is- clean."

"My rooms always clean." He defended.

Clarke scoffed.

"Who are they?" She teased.

"Someone from school?"

Clarke watched an emotion she'd never seen before sweep over Bellamy's face.

"I'm not seeing anyone, Clarke." He said defensively.

"I'm applying for full custody of Octavia when I turn 18. I had an interview with them this afternoon so I straightened up a bit."

Bellamy folded his arms across his chest, feeling suddenly exposed.

"I'm sorry." Clarke said gently, moving over to sit next to the boy.

Bellamy hung his head.

"I know you didn't mean anything by it. I know what people say about me at school. But I need you to know that I'm not with anyone right now." He said, an intensity in his eyes that Clarke was unfamiliar with.

She cleared her throat.

"I brought something for you." She said, opening her book bag and pulling out a small paper back book.

"I know you're a bit of a nerd about all things ancient." She said, trying to hide the blush in her cheeks.

Bellamy took the book from her, running his hand along the cover.

"The Symposium." He read.

He opened the book to a random page.

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