Bellarke Final Update- 7x12 AU- "For the love of you"

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*video by corrinas fantasy on youtube*
*Bellamy and Clarke realize that they've always been fighting for the same thing; each other.*


Clarke sat across from Octavia, staring up at the ceiling. She knew she had to stay mad, to keep fire burning within her. If she didn't, if she let herself think for more than one moment, about what was really going on she would fall apart. After everything- the time and space- the blood and pain- she had lost Bellamy- to something worse than death.

Octavia laughed humorlessly then, drawing Clarke back from her thoughts.

"Something funny?" She intended for her question to be scolding, instead it just sounded sad.

"Because I don't see anything humorous about this." She bit. She knew none of this was Octavia's fault. But the anger inside her was dimming, turning into longing. She needed to stay fierce, so she could face Bellamy with the fury he deserved.

"I'm smiling- because I finally understand you." Octavia admitted.

Clarke couldn't help but smile.

"Really? How so?"

"You have Madi, I have Hope. I'd do anything to keep her safe." The other girl explained.

Clarke felt a pang in her chest. Madi. If they didn't get out of here she would be all by herself. She would have to face this life- this endless suffering- alone.

She needed to distract herself- thoughts like that wouldn't help her here.

"How long were you on Penance?"

Octavia laughed, smiling fondly as she recalled the memory.

"We called it SkyRing." She said gently.

It was easy to forget that once Octavia had been just fifteen years old. That she had been quiet and gentle and hopeful. The little girl playing with butterflies was far from the girl that sat before Clarke now, but she could still see a glimpse of her.

"10 years. Good ones." Clarke couldn't help but feel envious. She remembered Eden- the one patch of green. She remembered her time with Madi. She longed for it back.

She watched Octavia fight back tears.


"A couple of days ago she was just our little girl, now she's messed up like the rest of us."

She broke down. Clarke couldn't imagine losing someone you'd raised, only to find them again, older and broken. She prayed that wouldn't happen to her.

She moved to comfort Octavia as the door hissed open.

She watched Bellamy Blake enter- for a moment, everything washed away- he was her Bellamy again. He looked the same, moved the same, but the armed entourage betrayed him.

"You need back up to talk to us now?" She bit.

Bellamy could barely looked at her.

"It's ok." He told the guards, ushering them out of the room with only a look.

Clarke stood, anger making it's way back into her chest. She could feeling moving around her body, as if it was being pumped by her heart into her veins.

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