Season 1- what really should have happened on unity day

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*I saw a post on tumblr saying that Bellamy and Clarke thought they were gunna have sex on Unity Day (hence the flirting), so here we go...*

Bellamy Blake stood amongst the 100... or what was left of them. After all they had been through, they deserved to let their hair down. He watched as the group shared around the moonshine.

Probably a bad idea.

He thought, but he let them have their fun. It might be the last joy they get for a while.

He wouldn't partake though. He knew what alcohol could do to a person. His father had been a drunk, he was a drunk. A dead drunk. And every man his mother had "done business with" after him had been a drunk too. He didn't want that for himself.

Clarke walked through the crowd toward Bellamy. He was smiling, a rare and totally gorgeous sight. As much as she hated to admit it... he was cute. Really cute.

"Hey." She called as she approached, the boy was eating an apple, which seemed odd given the celebrations going on around them.

"The comms are still dead. They cut out during the pageant." Clarke explained, placing her hands in her pockets and rocking bad on her heels. God he was intimidating.

"Best unity day ever." He mused, raising his eyebrow at Clarke.

God that was hot. She smiled, letting a laugh escape her lips.

"Do you really think now is a good time to be having a party... I mean the grounder is still out there." She worried aloud.

"The grounders..." Bellamy corrected. "By now they've made it home. Probably started a lynch mob." He chuckled.

Clarke's face fell, and Bellamy noticed. She was clearly worried about their safety. She was cute when she was worried.

"Don't worry." He reassured her. "I've got security covered."

"Why don't you go get a drink?" He flirted. If anyone could use a drink it was Clarke Griffin.

"You look like you could use one." He joked.

Clarke sensed his flirtation, and if they were gunna be killed by grounders any minute, she might as well have some fun.

"I could use more than one." She flirted back, eyeing him.

Bellamy smiled. Two could play at this game.

"Then have more than one." He replied, smirking.

"Clarke," He began, serious now, "the exodus ship with your mother in it comes down in a few days, after that the party's over." He said.

"Have some fun while you still can." He smiled, raising his eyebrow again and wondering if she would take the bait.

Clarke wasn't like the other girls he'd met down here, she didn't fall at his feet. He liked the challenge.

"You deserve it." He said, sincere this time. If it weren't for Clarke they all would have died upon impact. She deserved more than a couple of drinks.

Clarke rolled her head back, smiling flirtatiously at him.

"Yeah," She began, a playful smile on her lips, "okay." She said, walking away from him and back into the party.

She turned back to look at him. "You do too." She said sincerely.

"By the way." She added.

Bellamy shrugged. He didn't want to get into the no drinking thing, so he smiled.

"I'll have my fun when the grounders come." He joked.

God that's hot.  Clarke thought, she smiled.

"Alright." She said, walking away for real this time.

Bellamy was left with a stupid smile on his face.

"Unity day." He laughed, biting his apple again. He felt happy, for the first time in a long time.


Later, Bellamy was walking toward his tent when he heard someone call his name.

He turned to see an obviously drunk Clarke Griffin stumbling toward him.

He laughed, walking toward her.

"Hey, you." She began, a devilish smile on her lips.

"Hello." Bellamy laughed.

He caught Clarke's elbow to steady her.

"I might've had too much to drink." Clarke laughed, leaning heavily against Bellamy.

"Might've?" He joked.

She laughed, for much longer than a sober person would have.

"You're funny." She whispered into his ear.

Bellamy felt tingles up his spine.

She placed her hand on the small of his back.

"You going to bed?" She whispered.

Bellamy laughed. "Okay, you're way too drunk for this."

He sat Clarke down by the fire, handing her a cup of water.

He lent down toward her.

"Sober up and then we can talk." He whispered seductively, before walking away.

After all they were probably gunna die tomorrow.

Might as well make the most of today.


A slightly sober Clarke Griffin tip toed toward Bellamy Blake's tent. The party had died down now, and most people were asleep, passed out or too occupied to care.

She knocked on the side of the tent. Realising she probably wasn't as sober as she thought.

She pushed the material door open. She was sober enough for this.

"Bellamy?" She whispered into the darkness.

She heard him jump. She giggled. He must have fallen asleep waiting for her.

"Clarke?" He asked, turning the lamp beside his bed on.

It lit his face, his gorgeous curly hair jostled from sleep.

She sat down beside him on his sleeping bag.

"You guessed it." She flirted.

God she was bad at this.

"I didn't think you'd come." He whispered, genuinely surprised by her presence.

Clarke leaned forward, kissing him once deeply.

"You thought wrong." She whispered. She still tasted like moonshine, but Bellamy ignored it, kissing her again, harder.

He lent back, letting Clarke lie on top of him as they kissed.

God she was beautiful.

Her hands were all over him, and suddenly his shirt was being tossed across the room.

She kissed his neck.

He let out a shocked laugh and pulled back to look at her.

"You sure about this?" He asked, genuinely concerned that she might not want him.

Clarke was sure, she'd sobered up, but she still wanted this.

"Bellamy, I'm not drunk anymore." She reassured him.

"We don't have to. If you're not sure." He said again, doubt lacing his tone.

Clarke sat up, her legs straddling him in the darkness and removed her shirt.

"I'm sure." She said, kissing him again passionately.

Bellamy kissed back as she repeated her words against his lips.

"I'm sure."

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