Bellarke season 7 AU- 'Hold me til I'm real'

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*Clarke has nightmares about Josephine returning*
*video by TheTwins90 on youtube*

Bellamy Blake was sitting on a camper cot in the tent they'd set up a safe distance from the Anomaly.

After Octavia, everyone was fascinated by the stone but also terrified.

It seemed though, that everyone else viewed the Anomaly as an answer, while Bellamy had viewed it as the problem.

The image of his sister, disappearing in his arms forced him to slam his eyes shut.


Suddenly, Clarke's voice was next to him. Her hand on the small of his back.

Bellamy didn't open his eyes. He couldn't. Octavia's face was still burned into them. Her eyes as she slipped away.

"Hey." There was more emotion in Clarke's voice this time.

Bellamy could feel her tugging on his shirt and he let himself be guided into a hug.

He knew if he opened his eyes he would cry.

Clarke knew it too.

She knew his better than she knew herself.

Every move on his face, from the quirk of a lip to a twitch of the eyebrow.

Clarke knew he was seconds from breaking.

"We're gunna her her back." She reassured him.

Bellamy opened his eyes then, letting them adjust to the light and fix upon Clarke's face.

There was so much determination in her eyes it damn near brought him to his knees.

After everything she'd just been through, having her body taken over, nearly dying, having to kill her mother, she was willing to march into the unknown with him.

"Clarke, I'm tired." Bellamy whispered.

His broken voice wasn't new to Clarke, but it broke her heart all the same.

"Bell," she whispered, she'd never called him that until now, but it felt right on her lips.

"You need to keep fighting."

Bellamy looked up, as Clarke touched his face, wiping a tear from his cheek.

"After..." Bellamy cleared his throat.

"After everything that's happened, losing Monty and Harper, almost-losing you. And now Octavia- I'm not sure I can."

"Then do it for me." Clarke was crying now, the thought of Bellamy Blake, one of the strongest people she knew giving up, was too much for her to handle.

"Be that strong, resilient, brave man that I've always known you to be."

Bellamy nodded, suddenly aware that he was in Clarke's embrace.

He pulled away.

"We'll talk to Raven and Gabriel tomorrow. Try and work a solution." He said, his voice suddenly cold.

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