Season 6 AU- Josephine 'misreads' the situation

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*if you're ever self conscious about sending me a 'bad' or 'stupid' request please be comforted by the crazy ass notes I leave for myself ^^^*
*Josephine assumes that Bellamy's and Clarke's relationship is more than that of 'platonic soulmates'*


"Clarke!" The grating sound of Bellamy Blake's voice assaulted Josephine's ears. Never in her life had she been so annoyed by the remnants of a body's past life. Since that boy had found out about Clarke and Cillian he hadn't been able to leave her alone.

Was she not supposed to have told him?

Was Clarke's dalliance with Cillian a betrayal? Was there something more between Clarke and Bellamy than Josephine knew of? Was she ruining her own cover by not fawning over him like the real Clarke Griffin must have?

'I take it you had fun with the Doctor?'

Joephine remembered now, the tone in his voice, the judgement in his eyes.

It made sense. Clarke and Bellamy were lovers. That was the only plausible reason Josephine could think of as to why the hell he wouldn't leave her alone.

"Everything okay?" Josephine spoke, trying to seem casual. If he found out about her plan, or found out that she wasn't his little girlfriend, all of this first degree acting would have been for nothing.

Bellamy said something in a language Josephine didn't understand. She listened hard, trying to grasp any prefix or suffix that could give her a clue as to what he was trying to say.


He wanted to speak to Clarke alone.

"Kom now."

And apparently it was urgent.

"Give us a minute." Josephine told her guard, trying to remain calm. She didn't know how she was supposed to act around Bellamy, especially when they were alone.

The guard refused to move.

"Fine, we'll go in here." Josephine acted as if she were annoyed and not comforted by the presence of one of her own.

She held the door open for Bellamy, who was following close behind, and watched as he walked inside.

She had to admit, there were worse men to be forced into a relationship with, the boy was gorgeous. If he wasn't so insufferable she might just have entertained him for a little longer.

Josephine watched him run a hand across his face.

What a stresshead. Couldn't anyone relax around here?

"Where were you going?" Bellamy's voice was serious.

Urgh, such a protective boyfriend. He must have thought that Clarke was returning to Cillian. Pathetic.

"To see my mother. What's wrong?" Clarke changed the subject before Bellamy could interject.

"How are we on different sides of this?" Bellamy asked. She could hear the desperation in his voice.

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