5x13 AU- Amnesia

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*Bellamy wakes up from cryo with amnesia, the last thing he remembers is leaving Clarke behind before primefaya*

Clarke Griffin woke up first. She saw the thousands of bodies laying before her, suspended in an endless sleep.

She yawned. 10 years of sleep and she was still tired, sounds about right.

She laughed at herself, and looked up to see a gravefaced boy staring at her.

"I'm Jordan." He said quickly, nervously.

"Hi Jordan." She said quietly, trying not to startle the boy.

"I'm Monty and Harper's son." He blurted.

Clarke gasped audibly.

"Where are they?" She asked, eyeing the boy suspiciously.

He looked about 20.

How long had they been gone?

"How long have I been asleep?" She asked before he could answer her previous question.

"125 years. Mom and Dad died." He said with tears in his eyes.

"What?" Clarke breathed, she leant against her pod.

"Why am I the only one awake?" She demanded.

"Mom and Dad wanted it to be you and Bellamy, they wanted me to show you a video, but..."

"But what?" Clarke bit.

"There's something wrong with Bellamy." Clarke felt her heart sink.

"I need to show you the video, then I'll take you to Bellamy." Jordan insisted.

Clarke wiped a tear from her face, steadying herself.



Clarke walked down the deserted halls of the shuttle.

She couldn't believe 125 years had passed.

It was like that old proverb, if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear, does it really make a sound?

If 125 years pass, but no one lives those years, did they really happen.

She looked at Jordan, who was leading her down the hall.

She shut her eyes and a tear streamed down her face.

Monty and Harper had lived those years. They had a life filled with love and family.

Clarke envied them, but she mourned them also.

"Where are we going?" She asked, as Jordan opened a door.

They stepped into what Clarke recognized to be the infirmary.

Bellamy Blake lay stretched out on a hospital bed, he had an IV in his arm, and he looked pale.

"It looks like his body had an adverse reaction to the cryo pod. Mom left instructions on how to wake him up, but I can't seem to make it work. They wanted you to wake up together, but I thought maybe you could help me." The boy said fretfully.

Clarke sighed.

She touched Jordan's arm comfortingly.

"You did good J." She said quietly.

Jordan's eyes filled with tears.

"Mom used to call me that." He whispered.

Clarke smiled, pulling the boy into a tight hug.

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