AU- Clarke makes it to space

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*if Clarke had made it back on time*

Clarke Griffin was running through the snow.

She had fixed the satellite, and now she had to get back before her 10 minutes were up.

Her watch read five minutes, if she pushed, she could make it.

She ran, faster than she probably ever had.

She was driven by something Bellamy had said to her before she left.

"I've got you for that."

He needed her it seemed, and Clarke had wanted for so long to be needed by Bellamy.

She had fallen for him, they say that amount Weather fell.

It had been the worse day of her life, but at least she hadn't been alone.

She knew how afraid he was to become the monster that his sister accused him of being.

She knew that with every kill her made her fell further and further into a pit of self loathing and hatred.

But he had held Clarke's hand and killed those people.

He didn't have to.

He could have let Clarke do it alone.

His sister would have been safe either way.

But he knew that Clarke needed help, needed to not be alone, and so he bit the bullet.

He corrupted himself more and more for Clarke.

She kept running, her watch beeping to let her know that she had three minutes until they had to leave without her.

She sped up, ignoring the ache in her lungs and the strain in her muscles.

She pictured Bellamy's face, his eyes, so sad, so filled with anger at himself and the world.

She knew she couldn't die.

She knew that he wouldn't survive without her.

She pushed her legs harder.

She made it to the door, pushing it open desperately.

1 minute.


Bellamy stood outside the rocket, staring at the doors. He could see the clock count down to zero, he could hear the rapid beeping of the machines, but his heart would not let him believe it.

"Come on Clarke." He whispered to himself.

She had to make it.

She had to live.

There was no way he could live without her.

She was his rock.

Jaha has once said that it was he who kept her centred, but Bellamy knew the opposite to be true

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