Bellarke 5x13 AU- the one where the cryo-sleep fails

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*this chapter is inspired by the lovely Keram07 *
*Bellamy and Clarke wake up 5 years earlier than intended*

Clarke was ripped from sleep by the sound of rushing air.

She opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the light as she realised she was being removed from her pod.

What had felt like 30 seconds had actually been ten years. They would be able to return to the ground. Madi could have a life, filled with happiness instead of trauma.

Maybe all of this was worth it. Maybe she could be happy.

The sound of Bellamy screaming shattered her hope, instantly.

Clarke darted from her pod, over to where Bellamy was.

He was sitting up in his pod, his breathing ragged, tears streaming down his face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Clarke pulled the boy into a hug.

He clung to her.

"It was just a nightmare. You're okay."

Clarke held Bellamy for a moment, ensuring his breathing was slowing.

As she looked around though, she noticed that no one else was awake.

"What it is?" Bellamy asked. He could see the look on Clarke's face. The cogs in her brain turning a million miles a second.

"Why is it just us?"

A loud, urgent beeping sounded, as if in answer to Clarke's question.

"Warning! Cryopod malfunction! Two pods have been opened!"

Clarke felt sick to her stomach.

What if it had only been seconds?

What if they couldn't put her back under?

What if she was over 30 by the time Madi woke back up?

She looked down at Bellamy, she could tell his thoughts were mirroring her own.

"We have to find Monty." He insisted.

Clarke nodded and the pair took off, running through the craft.

"Monty!" Bellamy callee, frantically tearing through the halls.


"They have to be here somewhere." Clarke sighed, though the silence of the ship, the way their voices echoed off the walls. Clarke was beginning to suspect they were alone.

"Maybe they put themselves into cryosleep. Maybe it will take longer than they thought for the Earth to be inhabitable." Bellamy suggested, though Clarke could tell by the look on his face that he didn't really believe that.

"We'll look." Clarke reassured him and the pair went back, combing through every one of the pods.

Monty and Harper were nowhere to be found.

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