Bellarke 3x12 AU- "You're an idiot, but I love you"

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*It takes Clarke almost losing Bellamy to realise he's more than her friend*

Clarke Griffin moved quickly down the corridor with Bellamy Blake following closely behind. Here they were, again- risking their lives to save their friends.

It felt like maybe it would always be this way. Maybe she and Bellamy were meant to be the ones that saved everyone else.

Clarke turned the corner, feeling her heart in her throat.

Bellamy was risking everything by following her. Again and again he proved that he would do just about anything she asked, even after she'd hurt him.

"I held up my end of the deal," she tried to sound convincing.

"Your turn. Let my friends go." She demanded, trying to remain calm.

One wrong move and everyone she loved was dead.

"Tell Bellamy to show himself first." Clarke's heart felt like it fell out of her chest and on to the floor.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She had to protect Bellamy.

Emerson moved quickly then, punching Octavia in the stomach so hard the girl couldn't help but cry out.

Clarke knew she had lost Bellamy before he even called O's name.

He revealed himself then, pointing his gun at Emerson.

Clarke turned to the boy, shaking her head desperately. He couldn't sacrifice himself. He couldn't die, not after everything they had been through.

"Now, take out the clip and throw it down the hall. Put the gun on the ground, and get inside." Emerson instructed, his voice scarily calm.

"Please," Clarke interrupted, she wouldn't let Bellamy do this.

"You wanted me. I'll get inside once you let them go." She bargained.

"I was talking to Bellamy." Emerson replied, running his blade across Octavia's throat. Red blood spilled from the cut.

"Okay, okay just stop!" Clarke knew Bellamy wouldn't be able to take much more. She turned around again, trying to dissuade him with her eyes.

"Bellamy don't." She begged. She couldn't bare the thought of losing him.

Clarke watched in horror as Bellamy removed his gun from his shoulder, following Emerson's instructions.

Just before he entered the room Bellamy let himself look back at Clarke. If this was- it, he wanted to see her one last time. He tried to say it with his eyes. That he was sorry. That he forgave her for leaving. That no matter what happened, they were friend, and allies and...

"Those are yours." Emerson's words distracted him from his thoughts of Clarke.

He apprehensively cuffed himself to the wall, desperate to save his sister.

"Get on your knees, Clarke." The word's sent a panic rushing through Bellamy.

What had he done?

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