Bellarke modern AU- Forever my dream

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*video by Juli Grisel*
*shout out to @MeganDare for this recommedation*
*Inspired by "Forever my girl"*

Clarke ran her hands across the silk of her white dress.

She almost couldn't believe it; her getting married.

After the death of her father, she thought she'd never be capable of love. Never be capable of risking everything for someone.

Love meant loss to Clarke.

You could love someone with all of you and they could turn around and leave the next day; or die.

Clarke shut her eyes for a moment.

That wasn't going to happen with Bellamy.

He was strong, and caring and beautiful.

Sure they were only 18, sure they were young and idealistic. But they loved each other. And Clarke didn't see any reason to wait.

Clarke opened her eyes and took a deep breath, running her hands across the necklace her father had given her before he died.

He would be proud of her. He would have loved Bellamy.

They were both headstrong, fiercely passionate and kind. They would both do anything for their family.

Family. That's what Bellamy was to Clarke now.

They were family.


Bellamy Blake paced back and forth in his dressing room, holding an acceptance letter to the Los Angeles acting school.

His heart swelled with the thought of following his dream, but it broke at the thought of leaving Clarke behind.

He had received the letter yesterday, just a day before he was set to marry the love of his life.

It threw him for a loop.

How could he possibly settle down now? When the world had just opened up to meet him?

How could he not follow his dream? The dream he had worked so hard for? The dream his mother had worked so hard for before she died?

She took him to acting class, paid for every workshop he wanted to do. She had supported him always.

Not taking this opportunity felt like betraying her, and betraying her memory.

He screwed the paper up in his hand. He'd been carrying it for almost 24 hours. The decision still hadn't come to him.

It was an impossible choice.

How could he choose between his dream and his dream girl?

He knew that Clarke would never forgive him for leaving, for abandoning her like everyone she cared about had.

If he left now there was no coming back.

A memory of Clarke came back to him now. They were in bed, tangled in sheets, bodies pressed together, when Clarke spoke softly.

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