Season 5 au- Bellamy discovers Clarke's radio calls

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*shout out to Mirelle1002 for this one shot idea, also shout out to fulFILMent, I know I say this all of the time but I would have literally run out of ideas if it weren't for them*

Bellamy Blake was in his room.

After the reunion he needed time to think.

Clarke being alive filled a void that he had been trying to fill with Echo for almost 3 years.

Of course he loved her. Echo. Because she had helped him through the worst moment of his life.

It's just that now; all the grieving and all the comforting they had done together was now null and void.

He was once again a Knight by his queens side.

She had been alive this whole time.

He remembered screaming her name in his sleep, watching her die over and over, dreaming she was still alive.

Maybe his subconscious had known that she was alive.

Maybe that's why he could never fully move on.

But how do you move on from something that wasn't real?

How do you move on from an almost? A maybe? A hope that one day the person you've been pining for will realise that you want them?

Especially if you thought they wanted you too.

In the days before Primefaya Bellamy was convinced that Clarke had felt it too.

That she was ready to move on from Lexa and be with him.

He never got the chance to ask, and now that she was alive on the ground he felt himself tongue tied.

But he remembers how her skin felt against his.

When he'd held her for the first time in 6 years.

It was like time had no meaning to him.

He held her, the way a lover would hold her, and she did the same.

Neither of them mentioned it.

It felt to good to ruin.

It was a moment that you were afraid to speak up and ruin what you had forever.

But what they had was nothing: a what if.

He had Echo.

A something. Something real. Someone that he knew loved him.

But then again, they had been dormant for 3 years, forced together, not allowed to seperate for fear of making it awkward.

They had fought on the Ark.

But it hadn't been more than a day before one of them snuck back into the others bed.

It was desperate need to be with each other it was fear of being alone that kept them together.

Bellamy's thoughts were interrupted by Monty.

"Hey Bellamy can I come in?" He asked nervously.

"Uh yeah." Bellamy said, his voice gruff.

Monty looked at him.

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