Bellarke season 1 AU- Forgiveable- Part 1

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*fic based on this awesome video au recommended by the wonderful Hiraya-Rei *

*Bellamy and Clarke are best friends on the Ark. On the day the Jake Griffin is set to be executed, Bellamy takes a stand*

Bellamy Blake held his gun tightly to his chest, as if somehow it might protect him from what he was about to see. He hated execution day, standing by while people were sent to their deaths. Night after night he could hear them begging in his dreams, pleading with him to do something. He never had.

He needed this job. If he screwed up they'd execute his sister, the same way they did his mother. He himself was on thin ice. He had another year before they did a retrial, to decide whether or not he was at fault for keeping her hidden.

The door hissed open, Bellamy couldn't make himself look. He couldn't look another person in the eyes just to watch them die.

An audible gasp came from the guard next to him. He looked up.

Jake Griffin was being escorted into the room by two guards. His wife and daughter behind him.

Bellamy's breath caught in his chest.

"Clarke." He felt a tug on his heart strings.

Clarke Griffin was his best friend, his confidant, the only person he'd ever trusted with the secret of his sister. She'd held him on the day his mother died and made sure they didn't kill Octavia. Her mother was a doctor, her father was... well had been an important man. They had influence. She was the only reason that his family- what was left- was alive.

Bellamy's eyes met Clarke's then, he could tell she had been crying.

He didn't understand, Jake was one of the best men he'd ever known, he was like a father to Bellamy. What could he have done to deserve this?

"Jake Griffin, you're charged with disclosing council secrets and inciting violence and discontentment within the population. The punishment for this is death."

Clarke hadn't stopped looking at Bellamy, she feared if she took her eyes off of him for a second he would do something stupid. She could see the look on his face, the tight curl of his fists. She knew him, all of him and he was at his breaking point.

"Don't." She mouthed desperately. She wouldn't let him give up his whole life for her.

She could see in his eyes that her request fell on deaf ears.

"Stop." Bellamy's voice rang out through the airlock.

"Excuse me?" The head guard turned to look at him.

Bellamy drew his weapon.

"I said stop." He said again, trying to sound calm.

"Mr. Blake you better think very carefully about what you're going to do next." The guard warned.

Bellamy looked from Mr. Griffin to Clarke. He couldn't let Clarke experience what he had.

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