Season 3 AU- part 2

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"Run away with me?"

The words rung in Clarke's ears. Run away with me.

Conflict ran rampant in her brain. She'd run before, and for Bellamy? It would be easy for her to abandon everything for him.

But part of her ached to see Arkadia again. Her mother.

She knew they could survive alone. Day to day. She knew it would be better.

They had both killed enough in their lifetime. Any more might push them over the edge.

It almost pushed Bellamy.

She needed to make sure he didn't crack.

She needed him more than she had ever needed anyone.

And if that meant running away, to save both of their souls, she would do it.

"Okay." She whispered.

Bellamy's eyes lit up.

"You'll come with me?" He asked, his voice happier than she had ever heard it.

"Of course I will." She said softly, kissing him again.

She smiled against his lips.

It was a sacrifice, but she was more than willing to make it for him.

"But Bellamy?" She asked, her forehead pressed to his.

"Anything." He whispered, his eyes shut.

"First I have to see my mom." She reasoned.

Bellamy's eyes became wide as he considered going back to camp. Pike would kill him for deserting, and carrying Wanheda back to camp with him.

They'd be a walking liability.

Still the look in her eyes was pleading, she needed to see her, to let go.

"Okay." He reassured her.

"We'll find a way into camp, tomorrow." He smiled, kissing her on the forehead.

"For now let's get some rest." Clarke instructed, she took off her jacket, lying it against the sand so the pair would have something to rest their heads on.

She wrapped her arms around Bellamy, and he lay with his back against her chest.

Even though they were outside of Arkadia, he felt safer in Clarke's arms than he had behind those walls in months.

He thought about Octavia, and his heart broke partially.

He loved that girl, she was more his daughter than his sister.

He had raised her while their mother had been "working". He didn't care that they had different fathers. He felt more akin with Octavia than anyone he'd ever known.

He would miss her, more than anything.

But if Clarke needed to be away from Arkadia, he needed to be away too.

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