The 100 AU ending- Part 3

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*A whole lot of birthdays happen all at once*

"So we just pick one?" The scepticism in Murphy's voice was apparent as he, Emori and Raven moved toward the tanks.

"Feels like one of those old movies where the nerdy kid gets picked last for dodgeball." Raven agreed, moving around the glass. If she was honest they all looked the same to her, she was yet to feel that magical pull that parents supposedly felt.

"There has to be a better way." Clarke chimed from the doorway.

She and the others who'd chosen to be parents were still filing into the room. Among them, to her surprise were Niylah and Gaia, sheepishly holding hands. They must have grown closer over the last 3 months, though she didn't know if that warranted having a baby together.

Jackson was standing at the control panel, Miller flanking him protectively. They had spent almost all of their time here since it was decided that they'd try and keep the babies alive.

"You think pulling straws would be better?" Octavia chimed sarcastically, pulling Levitt in by the hand.

Clarke had noticed his disposition had changed since the vote. She supposed he was happier now. Maybe he'd felt like they'd been voting on him, whether he was really human, given that he had no biological parents, and was born here, along with tens of others inside a lab.

"We need something to keep it fair." Jordan agreed.

"To be honest they all look exactly the same to me." Clarke admitted, giggling lightly.

"Right?" Raven agreed excitedly.

"How can you say that?" Jackson disagreed enthusiastically.

"I've been watching these guys, for weeks. Their features, the way they move, they're all completely different and unique. And each and everyone one of them deserves a home. Because Indra and Echo declined to be carers, some of us will have to double up or even triple up if you can, but I believe no matter who you pick you'll grow to love them, the same way I have." He explained, moving forward to touch the glass on the first pod.

"I could tell you all their biological sexes-" he continued.

"But I think the surprise will be all the more fun."

Clarke smiled gently at the thought. After all this time and after everything bad that had happened. The idea of good to come was almost unbelievable.

"I think you should pick first, Jackson." Clarke interjected, her voice adamant.

"You've earned it."


It took hours to extract all of the babies from their pods, but after all, Clarke Griffin sat with a baby boy in her arms.

She laughed gently as the boy grabbed her finger, she couldn't explain it but she felt like she knew him.

She looked up at Bellamy, who was also mooning down at a child, a perfect baby girl.

"I want to call him, Jake, after my dad- without him- without his sacrifice, none of us would be here right now." She told him, running her hand across the baby's cheek.

"Jake's perfect." Bellamy agreed, reaching sideways to press his lips to her forehead.

"And I think you should call her Aurora- after your mom." She continued.

"You don't want to name her after Madi?"

Clarke made a sympathetic noise in the back of her throat, reaching over to run her hand through the baby girl's thin blonde hair.

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