Bellarke season 7 AU- What am I without you?

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*Clarke rushes to Bellamy when she hears the news of Octavia, but the closer she gets to the Anomaly the stranger things become*

"He's out there, alone. Just waiting for her to come back." Echo's voice was strained as she explained what happened to Clarke.

How they'd gone to the Anomaly, how Hope had miraculously appeared, how she'd harmed Octavia, then how Octavia had disappeared in Bellamy's arms.

"We're worried it's dangerous out there. But we couldn't get him to come with us." She explained.

"You left him?" Clarke couldn't hide the distain in her voice. Echo supposedly loved Bellamy and yet, in his darkest moment she left him.

"He told me to go. He didn't want to put me in danger." Echo defended.

"Right." Clarke's tone was icy. As much as she wanted to assimilate into the new family that was formed from being stuck in space for six years, she couldn't. She hated Echo.

She couldn't fathom how someone like Bellamy could ever be with someone like her.

Clarke thought about it for a moment. She thought about how Bellamy saw himself.

While she saw a kind, generous man, who was so much smarter than people gave him credit for, she knew he saw something else. He saw a monster. Perhaps that's why he saw himself with Echo.

The silence between Echo and Clarke was tense. Both of them staring at one another, both of them knowing that the boy they cared about was somewhere in the forest, alone with just a backpack of rations to keep him going.

She shouldn't have been surprised that Echo left. The day the world ended Echo was nowhere to be found, safe on the ship while Clarke stood at the door begging Bellamy to come inside,

Echo didn't care for him. Not really.

Without another word Clarke turned on her heels, returning to her bedroom.

She began frantically packing a bag, tears forming in her eyes.

If Echo wouldn't save Bellamy, Clarke would.


Bellamy could tell that the night air was growing colder. He watched as the hairs on his arm stood upright, but he couldn't feel the cold. He couldn't feel anything.

He had abandoned his sister when she needed his forgiveness- and now she was gone.

Bellamy let out a heaving sob. He was still on his hands and knees where Octavia disappeared.

He heard the crunch of the leaves as his hands balled into fists, but again couldn't feel the pain of the sharp wood and rock against his skin.

He sat, throwing himself onto his back and looking up at the night sky.

For a moment, he could almost convince himself that he was a normal guy.

An Earth man. Before the bombs hit they would go out into the forest and lie under the stars for fun.

He couldn't imagine having a home, with a roof and walls, with blankets and hot water and voluntarily leaving it, but something about the way the stars looked gave him some insight into what the Earth men might have been thinking.

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