Bellarke AU- The Hunger Games part 1

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*Clarke as Katniss*
*Bellamy as Peeta*
*Finn as Gale*
*Madi as Prim*

Clarke Griffin sat just outside the fence of district 12. Beside her sat Finn, her childhood best friend and hunting buddy.

She wasn't afraid to admit that if it weren't for Finn she would be dead.

He was her rock, her best friend.

"How many times is you name in today?" She asked, picking nervously at the green grass.

"42." Finn replied.

"Guess the odds aren't exactly in my favour." He joked.

Clarke winced.

She knew it was likely that either he or her or Finn would be reaped tomorrow.

Reaped. The word struck her at her very core.

The Hunger Games had tormented her since she turned 12.

It was her last year to be picked, and she had a feeling that it was her.

Her heart ached for Madi. Her sister. It was her first year of the hunger games.

She hadn't let her place her name in more times for money. But it was still in there.

One piece of paper with her name scrawled across it.

Clarke shut her eyes and forced herself to remain calm.

"We could do it you know." Finn spoke after a moment of silence.

"What?" Clarke chuckled.

"Run." Finn replied.

Clarke scoffed.

"You wouldn't make it 5 miles." She laughed.

"I'd get 5 miles," Finn said cockily, "I'd go that way." He pointed out into the forest.

Clarke sanctuary.

It had been her home, and her livelihood since her father died.

They had nothing.

Her and Madi had been forced to fend for themselves. Their mother, Abbey, had completely checked out.

Clarke had been providing for her family since she was 12 years old.

She sighed.

"We should go." She whispered, her voice gravelly.

Finn sighed.

"We should."

He grabbed her hand and helped her to her feet.

"See you there?" He asked softly.

Clarke pulled him into a tight hug.

"See you there."


Abbey was braiding Madi's hair when Clarke walked in.

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