Bellarke on the Ark- Part 3

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*just adding some gifs that make me ugly cry for dramatic affect*
*Bellamy is arrested, Clarke confronts Wells*

The harsh lights assaulted Clarke vision as she awoke. She knew instantly where she was- med bay. She'd spent hundreds of hours of her life here, and though she'd seen some heartbreaking things, she'd never felt so much pain.

"Bellamy?" The first words out of her mouth. She knew it was hopeless. She saw the guards drag him away. But the thought that he could already be dead, made it feel like someone had reached into chest and carved out her heart.

"Hey, hey Clarke. Clarke it's okay." Wells appeared in front of her then, the boy touching her shoulder comfortingly.

Without a moments hesitation she swung her far hand forward, slapping Wells across the face. Hard.

The boy pulled back with a sharp gasp.

"What the hell, Clarke?" His anger was barely contained.

"How could you?" She spat. It felt like she couldn't breathe. She had trusted Wells, with a secret that could ruin all of their lives and he'd told it.

"I hope you atleast made a good deal for yourself." She bit.

"Running to daddy like a coward!" Clarke tried to sit up completely but she felt faint. She forced herself back down.

"Clarke," Wells' voice was gentle.

"I didn't tell anyone about Octavia." He told her.

"Liar." Clarke hissed. The tears streaming down her face did nothing to quell the anger in her eyes. Wells, for the first time in his life, was scared of her.

"Clarke, you know me. You've known me your whole life."

"You've always been a coward."

"Clarke, I- I love you. I'm in love with you. Why would I ever do anything to hurt you?" Wells admitted then. Clarke could see the tears in his eyes as well.

"So you wanted him out of the way? Is that it? You thought I'd forgive you over time? Well I won't, Wells. I will never forgive you for this. And if- if they kill him- god if they kill him I'll..."

Clarke was cut off by the sound of the door opening.

"Hey sweetheart." Her mom's voice was soft, kind.

"Mom." Clarke whimpered, leaning forward to pull her mother into a hug.

"It's okay, baby. You're okay."

"No. No mom listen to me. Bellamy is innocent. None of it is his fault. You have to persuade the council." She begged.

Clarke watched her mother's face harden.

"He broke the law. And he roped you into helping him."

"It's not his fault." Clarke's voice was meeker now.

Before her mother could speak again the door burst open. Jaha and Kane entered followed by two armed guards.

"What's going on?" Clarke heard Wells ask frantically.

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