Season 4- 'Clarke if I don't see you again'

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*if Bellamy had told Clarke how he felt*

Clarke Griffin drove behind Bellamy Blake. She thought about everything they had been through together.

Lexa's death still hurt her to her core, and she knew that Bellamy felt the same about Gina.

However, lately, with Bellamy stepping up and trying to fix what he had done wrong, Clarke saw a... light.

A promise of something more.

Maybe one day they would both be healed enough to explore the light... but today was not that day.

"We're here." She heard Bellamy's gruff voice over the radio.

Bellamy parked the car, and watched as Clarke followed.

He ached to close the distance between them. Just to hold her in his arms and not let go.

They had been distance from each other recently.

Too consumed by their own grief to feel for one another.

But Bellamy felt for Clarke.

Gina had been gone for a while now, and even though the thought of her still caused a stabbing pain in his chest, he was ready to let go.

Allow himself to feel.

He exited the rover, watching as Clarke did the same.

He felt.

Bellamy stood watching the horizon.

He heard Clarke's footsteps approaching him.

God what he wouldn't give to tell her.

He would tell her that she meant everything to him. That when she chose Lexa over him it physically destroyed him.

That she was his best friend, the only person who he wanted to tell anything too.

He would tell her that all the betrayals, all the fights, every stupid argument, every stupid move. He would tell her that he'd forgiven her, completely, and he hoped she would do the same.

Clarke walked toward the boy.

She watched the light reflect off of his brown curls.

She smiled sadly.

In another life, they may have been together.

Some would say the were opposites, and on surface level that was true. But deep down.

God deep down they were mirrors, reflecting back at one another.

They reflected each other's pain.

They both felt the loss of a parent. The burden and privilege of protecting their last surviving family member.

The felt responsibility for every death within the 100, and for Mount Weather.

They felt the loss of a partner, ripped from them too soon.

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