Season 1 AU- Clarke thanks Bellamy for saving her life

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*how the wrist catch above the death pit should have gone*

Bellamy Blake didn't want to hate Clarke Griffin, but damn the girl made it too easy.

She had lead them into the forest to find someone who was probably already dead.

And she entrusted Finn of all people to guide them.

Bellamy didn't even see what Clarke saw in Finn. He was stupid, self righteous and superrr needy.

Was it the hair?

Bellamy looked at Clarke who was looking at Finn as he ran his fingers through his hair.

God it was definitely the hair.

"How do we know this is the right way?" He heard Murphy ask. Thank God someone said it.

He didn't want to alienate himself anymore than he had but he was getting tired of waking in circles.

"We don't," He began snidely, "space walker thinks he's a tracker."

Stupid spacewalker.

What did he have that Bellamy didn't?

He heard Wells speak but he didn't pay attention to his words.

He was looking at Clarke, her hair fell softly over her shoulders.

She was an enigma. Beautiful and terrifying at the same time.

She was like the view right at the edge of the cliff face. Astounding, but dangerous.

"Do you wanna keep it down or should I paint a target on your back?" He heard Finn remark.

Classic Finn, what a loser.

Bellamy watched as Finn found the trail, Clarke leaning next to him as the discovered a path of blood.

His blood boiled within him.

He couldn't be jealous, could he?

He turned to Wells. "See, you're invisible." He said seriously.

He was definitely talking about Wells and not himself.

He definitely hated Clarke Griffin.

It was definitely not admirable the way she ran back into the forest for a man she's known only a day.

If anything she was too kind. People like that only got hurt.

He saw a look of hurt wash over Well's face and felt a sense of kinship.

What was it about Clarke?

What made her so completely captivating?

Half the time Bellamy couldn't tell if he was infuriated or encapsulated by her.

Her refusal to cut off her wristband, her insistence to help the Ark, all things that should make his blood boil. And they did, until he looked at her.

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