Bellarke AU- The hunger games part 2

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*we appear to be finally over our 5x13 depression*
*Kane as Haymitch*

Clarke drummed her fingers against her seat, trying to hold back tears.

The bullet train flew across the track. Clarke was holding her breath. She'd never been on a train before, let alone any form of transport other than her two legs.

She had just said goodbye to Finn and Madi, she didn't feel like her heat could take it anymore.

She felt like she would burst.

Bellamy walked in then, he was wiping his eyes, his freckled face bright red.

He threw himself down next to her.

"You ever met him?" He asked.

Clarke looked at him, confused.

"Kane?" He asked again, insistent.

Bellamy was desperate to come back alive.

He needed to get ahead.

Clarke remained silent and looked out the window again.

Tears were in her eyes again as she imagined having to kill Bellamy.

She barely knew the man, but he had saved her life.

"You know Clarke, we're in this together. We could at least be nice to each other." He said angrily.

Clarke scoffed. They would have to kill each other in a few weeks. There was no way they should be nice to each other.

"Do whatever you want Clarke..." Bellamy huffed, "I just don't see what's wrong with a little help."

Clarke looked at him then, green eyes meeting brown.

She saw him, much younger, a tan hand striking his soft face.

She remembered him throwing the bread, just out of her reach and into the rain.

She shut her eyes for a moment, letting out a shaky breath.

A clanging disrupted their moment.

"Anyone seen the ice?" A drunk man with long hair crooned.

"No, no I haven't." Bellamy said nervously.

Clarke noticed that he fiddled with his thumbs when he was nervous.

She felt the need to smile but contained it.

She couldn't let herself feel anything.

Love was weakness, and she couldn't afford to be weak.


It had been a week since they arrived in the Capitol, and Clarke was still terrified of everything.

She was afraid of the lights, the shower, anything that moved without her consent.

She was highly paranoid, and she hadn't been sleeping.

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