Bellarke Modern AU- Grief Group

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* hayedits got me crying in a corner rn*
*Bellamy finds himself in a grief group with Clarke Griffin*
*trigger warning: suicide*

Bellamy looked around at the empty seats. Of course he was the first one here. Octavia must have told him the meeting was earlier than it was to ensure he wasn't late.

He ran his fingers through his hair, looking at the wooden floorboards by his feet.


He fought the memory.

That's what this was for right?

Grief counselling, so he could stop remembering it.

"Mom, Octavia forgot her jacket! Have you seen it anywhere?"

He shut his eyes, letting a tear stream down his face.

"Grief group hasn't even started and you're already crying? Guess I would too if I had to introduce myself to this lot all over again." A girl's voice interrupted his thoughts.

She turned her chair around, sitting with her legs slung over the back.

She smiled curiously at him.

"You're new." She told him.

Bellamy nodded, wiping his eyes and letting out an embarrassed laugh.

"And already making a good impression." He joked back, eyeing the girl in front of him.

She was beautiful. Her hair was cut into a blunt bob and on her face she wore 'I take no bullshit' expression.

He watched as the girl's face softened.

"I'm Clarke." She said, her voice softer now.

"Bellamy." The boy smiled weakly.

Clarke stood then, flipping the chair around and plopping herself down next to Bellamy.

"I like to get here early, to be alone. Most of the time I practice the shit I'm gunna say because if I'm honest opening up is fucking scary." She admitted, looking at him nervously.

Bellamy looked across at her, he smiled genuinely.

"My kid sister tricked me into being here early." He told Clarke, his smile replaced with a forlorn expression.

"What's she like?" Clarke asked, curious about this new boy's life.

Bellamy sighed.

"Mom where are you?" He called, running through the house looking for Octavia's jacket.

They were going to be late for the musical; Octavia's first. Their mom had to miss it because she picked up an extra shift at the hospital to cover O's costume, but she shouldn't have left yet.


Bellamy shuttered.

"Woah. You okay? Where did you go?" Clarke asked, concernedly.

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