Season 6 AU- What now?

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*Bellamy and Clarke decide to wait a few days before waking the others*

Clarke and Bellamy shared a bed that first night.

After they found out about Monty and Harper, their loneliness was palpable.

Jordan has shown them to a room with a double bed, presuming that they, like his mom and dad, had been in love.

Neither of them corrected him.

Instead, they went off in separate directions in search of food and clothing.

They met on the bridge again. Bellamy had two glasses of water and what was left of the rations, and Clarke had two new pairs of clothes.

They smiled at each other, but didn't say a word.

Sitting down, they looked out upon the new world.

"What're you thinking about?" Bellamy asked Clarke after a long while.

It had been the first time they'd truly spoken since waking from cryo.

Clarke sighed, long and heavy.

"I don't know how we're going to pull this off Bellamy. Just days ago- or what felt like days ago- these people were ready to kill one another. How are we supposed to take such a hostile population to a completely new planet?" She huffed.

Bellamy sipped from his water thoughtfully for a moment.

"We'll do it together." He whispered, reaching out to touch Clarke's hand.

She pulled away casually, standing up and grabbing her clothes.

"I'm going to shower." She said quickly, leaving Bellamy's head spinning, wondering if he had done something wrong.

"Okay." He nodded and watched as she hurried away.

Bellamy knew what this was about.

They radio calls.

She had been afraid to tell him, presumably because he'd assume that it was romantic.

He didn't assume that. But- his heart had fluttered the moment Madi had told him.

Maybe she felt the same as he had all those years ago.

Maybe Echo was just a mistake.

He sighed, standing, and finding another bathroom in which he could shower.

As he let the warm water run over his skin he thought about the life he could have, on this new planet with the girl he had loved since he was young.

Of course that meant breaking the heart of the girl that had loved and cared for him for 3 years.

After three years of emotional torment on the Arc, losing Clarke, Echo had been his salvation.

But now Clarke was back, and Bellamy wasn't helpless anymore.

He wanted more than anything- to be with Clarke, even if it broke Echo.

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