Bellarke modern AU- Theatre kids

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*was having SEVERE writers block until this little baby appeared on my dash*

*wanted to add this video by Sora Wolf on YouTube because the song choice had me weeping*

Bellamy Blake flew across the stage toward his adversary.

"Lay on Macduff!" He cried dramatically, taunting his counterpart to attack him.

He fell to his knees, just as a sword was placed against his throat.

"Cut!" Bellamy was startled as the house lights turned back on.

Clarke Griffin sat at the back of the auditorium, a megaphone in her greedy little hands.

"What now Griffin?" Bellamy called, sighing at Murphy who was standing across from him, swinging his prop sword backward and forward between his legs.

"This scene is supposed to be the end of Macbeth. This line is iconic and it needs to symbolise both his acceptance of death, his challenging of Macduff and his final acceptance that the prophecy wronged him. It's pure and utter defeat. It isn't just a challenge." Clarke explained.

Bellamy rolled his eyes.

"How would you do it then Lady Macbeth?" He chided.

Clarke Griffin had been selfish enough to take the position as director and a lead, when she knew that Bellamy needed the director position for his college applications. She was a year behind him. She could've had next years play- but no.

Clarke sighed heavily and over dramatically through the megaphone.

"Hasn't there been a time in your life when you could do nothing but accept the horrible thing in front of you." Clarke asked.

Bellamy looked at Clarke as if she slapped him.

"I need to take 5." He said, breathlessly, fleeing the stage.

Clarke knew that look.

She stood, morbidly curious and followed the boy.

She ran down the halls of the school looked for him.

She could hear his heavy footsteps in front of her as the school was deserted.

She hated having to be here on a Saturday, with him of all people.

It was safe to say that Clarke Griffin despised Bellamy Blake.

He was a trouble maker, who felt he was entitled to everything, including the directing position that she worked so hard for.

He had slept with basically all of her friends, and he treated her as if she were the scourge of the earth because she was the only person with the guts to challenge him.

Clarke heard the front doors fly open.

She followed the sound.

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