Bellarke 7x13 AU- I never wanted to hurt you

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*Clarke does what she would have done is Jroth didn't have a personal vendetta against Bob Morley (Yes I'll die mad)*
*Suggestion by AlohaStitch0626 *

"I said I wouldn't lose anyone else." Clarke looked into the eyes of her best friend, a man who had shaped her, cared for her, protected her, hoping for some sign, some indication that he was sorry.

"But I have, you." She couldn't keep the tears at bay, the thought of leaving him here, the thought of being without him again after fighting so hard to get back to him was too much.

If she were honest with herself he was the only reason she had survived Praimfaya, the reason she got up everyday, the reason she didn't shoot herself in that desert.

She had never told anyone that, but the truth hung over her now like a blade, ready to destroy her. She couldn't let how she felt about him put the other people she loved in danger.

"That doesn't matter to you though, does it disciple Blake?" She tried to stay firm, to keep him at a distance. If she didn't she may just throw her arms around him and beg him to come with her.

She watched Bellamy shake his head gently. She could see the tears in his eyes as well, but he remained silent.

"So much for together."

Clarke turned her back on him then, denouncing all the time they had spent together.

She had, for a moment after he brought her back from the brink of death, imagined a world where they could be together, always. But that world was fading, closing in on itself just as the Anomaly was.

Bellamy watched Clarke turn her back to him. She would never understand, never know how much he wanted to grab her by the arm, tell her that this was all for her, to save her.

He just wanted to keep her safe, that's all he's ever wanted to do. The last war could make sure of that.

His thoughts were interrupted by a weak voice.

"I can help you, if you help me." Sheidheda bargained.

Bellamy turned to look at him, debating whether or not to end him, simply for all the things he'd put them through.

"My throne," Sheidheda continued, determined.

"The book."

Bellamy turned, moving over to the throne and taking the book in his hands.

Clarke turned, allowing herself one last look at Bellamy Blake, instead she saw him with Madi's book in his hands. Her heart began to race.

"Bellamy, give it to me." She spoke in Trig as not to alert the guards.

She held up her gun, pointing it at the men.

"Now." She demanded.

"Or I'll kill them all."

The Bellamy she knew might have been gone but he'd never let innocent people die.

"You know I will."

"Clarke," Bellamy gasped as the gun was pointed toward him.

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