Bellarke modern AU- Come back safe

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*MeganDare giving me the outta the box ideas I love*

Clarke Blake sat willing the loading screen to disappear. To show her the face of her husband.

Bellamy had been gone for just over two months now. For two months she'd been alone every night, plagued with nightmares of Bellamy, wounded on the battle field, calling out her name. Alone.

She was scared he would die out there.

She shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes.

She wouldn't let Bellamy see her like this. Her doubt, her fear, it might shake him. Might waver his confidence.

Clarke couldn't be responsible for that.

"He'll be back in 8 months. He's done after that. You can get through this." She whispered to herself.

An alert chimed on Clarke's computer.

Bellamy is unavailable right now.

"You're telling me." She sighed, standing from her seat.

Clarke was hit then with a sudden dizziness, she had to cling to the chair for support.

She shook her head again to clear it, before changing into her pyjamas and sliding in to bed.

With worries dancing through her mind, Clarke fell into a restless sleep.


Clarke woke to the sound of her alarm screeching in her ear.

She hit the snooze button flippantly, rolling back over.

She could sleep for 10 more minutes. She'd just skip breakfast.

It felt like she had just closed her eyes again when the alarm went off.

She sighed, standing up from the bed and rubbing her eyes.

She needed a shower and some coffee, desperately.

After showering and dressing quickly Clarke moved to the kitchen. She started the coffee pot, staring at the walls of her living room that were lined with pictures from her wedding.

She felt tears prick her eyes but contained them. Forcing herself to remember the good things.

After his first tour Bellamy had been back for just 2 weeks before he had to leave again.

She remembered them smiling and laughing and kissing and...

The coffee pot beeped and Clarke poured it into her thermos, cursing as she realised the time.

Clarke sped to Arcadia elementary, running inside just as the bell rang.

"You're late Miss Griffin." She heard a female voice call.

She looked up to see Harper standing in front of her classroom.

"Sorry, Principal Green." She said, earnestly.

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