Bellarke 7x09 AU- Selfish love

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*Bellamy ends up on Penance, only to be captured again and 'trained' for the last war*

*Bellamy ends up on Penance, only to be captured again and 'trained' for the last war*

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*a timeline for anyone who's as confused as I am (by @chandsess on Twitter)*

*a timeline for anyone who's as confused as I am (by @chandsess on Twitter)*

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*im really out here doing essay level research for a one shot 😭*

The last thing Bellamy remembered was Octavia's face. The distress and pain in her eyes as she screamed his name. He knew that pain well. What felt just like moments ago he too had thought he lost his sister for good.

Now however? Now he was drowning, the Anomaly had pulled him in and spat him out underwater.

Bellamy looked upward, or what he thought was upward, the glow of the Anomaly made it impossible to tell where the light was coming from.

Bellamy trusted himself, swimming as best he could upward.

Eventually he broke through the water, air filling his lungs as he breathed in desperately.

He found himself in the middle of a lake, barely treading water, all alone.

Bellamy moved desperately toward the shore, pulling himself onto it.

He lay on his stomach on the dirt, clinging to it as if it were the edge of a cliff and he were holding on for his life.

"What the hell?" His voice was weaker than expected.

He pulled himself onto his hands and knees, then began to stand.

How had he survived?

More importantly, where was he?


Days passed, then weeks. Bellamy had found a cottage in the wooded area of the planet he now called home. He knew someone must have lived here once. There was remnants of gardening tools, bowls, makeshift clothing.

He adjusted as quickly as he could. Realising that in order to stay alive (and eat anything other than jellyfish) he may have to learn how to garden.

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