Bellarke season 1 AU- I don't deserve you

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*Inspiration from ohbellamy on tumblr*
*Bellamy offers to teach Clarke to hunt, knowing soon he won't be able to provide for them*

"Clarke." Bellamy's husky voice alerted Clarke to his presence in the room. She was counting medical supplies, becoming more and more aware as she went that they weren't meant to survive this. That they were just like the 300 but with the possibility of a happy ending.

It seemed though that it would have been better to drift off to sleep on the Ark than it would to endure this.

Clarke stopped herself. She couldn't think like that. As much as she hated to admit it, and hated the pressure, the people needed her.

"Is someone hurt?" Her voice was cold.

Ever since that night in the forest, Clarke's heart ached whenever she looked at Bellamy.

She wouldn't allow herself to feel though. Wouldn't allow herself to be hurt again. Finn had broken her heart, he tore away the one semblance of happiness she had here.

She couldn't do that again.

"No- uh- I wanted to talk to you." Bellamy's voice was guarded.

He was tentative around her, since she had seen all of him.

There had not been a single person in his life that had seen him cry.

Not Octavia or his mother, not any of his 'friends' on the Ark.

Clarke has made him vulnerable and it scared him.

"So talk." Clarke bit.

She was wrapping a bandage around the palm of her hand nervously.

"What're you doing?" Bellamy asked, getting closer.

"Counting supplies. Someone has to make sure we don't all die." She wanted it to come harsh but the emotion in her words gave her away.

Bellamy was in front of her now. He placed his hand in hers, stopping her from unwrapping and rewrapping the bandage incessantly.

"That's what I'm trying to do as well. I want to teach you how to hunt."

"What?" A incredulous laugh escaped Clarke.


"Yes, you." Bellamy was still holding Clarke's hand.

"Why would you want to do that?" She questioned, her eyes wide.

"The way things are on the ground- I might now be around forever." He said, without an once of self pity. He said it as though it was a fact, a fact that made Clarke's stomach sink. She couldn't lose him.

"Bellamy." She said, gently.

"Clarke please, let me show you." He insisted, his eyes pleading with Clarke.

"Okay." The girl conceded.

"Okay, lets go."


The pair left just after midday. The sun was high in the sky, beating down on them heavily as them as they walked.

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