Bellarke 6x02 AU- How far are you willing to go?

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*my take on this amazing idea from readingaccountt *
*Echo goes after Clarke during the red sun; but how far is Bellamy willing to go to save Clarke's life*


"Where are you?" Echo heard Bellamy's voice as he yelled across the abandoned city.

"Murphy?" Clarke's voice matched his then.

Echo felt an anger swell inside of her.

She hadn't let it get to her before.

Clarke coming back out of no where. Trying to kill the man she loved and then taking advantage of his forgiving nature.

"Come back, please." She heard Clarke's voice again. It grated against her ears.

That voice.

So entitled.

Clarke genuinely thought she was the leader.

And Bellamy let her.

He was weak for her.

On the Arc he had been the only thing holding them together.

But now... now he was willing to bend and almost break for Clarke.

A girl who left him to die at the hand of his own sister.

Clarke knew that Bellamy would never have fought against Octavia.

She had basically ensured his death.

But Bellamy welcomed her back.

With open arms.

She didn't know why.

But she knew it was wrong.

She paced around the room. Chains rattling against her.

Of course it was Clarke's idea to tie them all up.

And now she was out and free with Bellamy while Echo was stuck in here.

"Echo open up its me." Bellamy's stern voice was at the door then, calling to her.

"Bellamy?" She called back to him.

"Echo open up." Bellamy insisted.

He too could feel the effects of the sun, creeping into his mind.

But he had to contain it.

He had to protect his friends, especially Clarke.

She had too many enemies here at the moment.

"Don't you open that door." Emori growled at Echo, tugging on her chains.

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