Season 5 AU- do you love me?

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*Madi tells Bellamy that Clarke loves him. Bellamy confronts Clarke*
*Alexa Lexie on YouTube may or may not have made me cry with this edit*


Bellamy stood alone, watching the world he had grown to love- the world he had missed for 6 years disintegrated around him.

They had been back on Earth just days and yet everything was ruined- in part by Bellamy.

He had a way of ruining things, things that were special to him, that he cared for.

He had hurt Octavia, he had hurt Madi- he hurt Clarke.

That hurt most of all. She had trusted him- entrusted him with Madi and he had betrayed her.

But she betrayed him too. They always looked for one another and yet, when it came down to it she sacrificed him, left him as if he were nothing.

Maybe he was nothing- maybe nothing he did mattered- maybe he only caused pain- and maybe Clarke was right to leave him behind. Bellamy's chest felt heavy.

A pair of light footsteps moving toward him interrupted his thoughts.

"You have to forgive her." Madi's soft voice filled his ears.

Bellamy felt a twinge in his chest again, something deep within him trying to escape.

"Now's not the time Madi." Was all he said.

Madi didn't miss a beat.

"Do you have any idea how much she cares about you?" She asked.

Bellamy was taken aback, but stayed strong.

"So much she left me to die in a fighting pit." He bit.

He was bitter. Clarke's betrayal had hurt him more than Octavia's or anyone else's.

They were the head and the heart and yet, Clarke used neither. She abandoned him.

"She made a mistake..." Madi justified.

Bellamy wondered if it had been a mistake- if Clarke really regretted it, or if she simply hated him for what he did to Madi.

"How many mistakes did you make to protect the child you loved?" Madi reasoned.

Bellamy knee it was true, but it still hurt.

"That was different." He whimpered.

"Was it?" Madi quarrelled.

"Look," She began, her voice tired,

"I shouldn't tell you this- but when you were on the ring, she called you everyday for six years." Madi admitted.

A hot iron struck Bellamy in the chest. He looked back at Clarke, a frown on her beautiful face.

"You didn't know that did you?" Madi demanded.

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