Season 6 AU- arrested (part 1)

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*TeamHodgins on YouTube proving that bellarke was just as real in seasons 1 and 2 as it is now*
*Clarke and Bellamy travel alone to the new world, only to be apprehended by its citizens*


Clarke Griffin strapped her pack on. There was enough algae and water in there to last her for a week.

She sighed. A whole new planet. A whole other challenge.

As she walked across the bridge her hand found its way to the dagger strapped to her waist.

She hated this. She hated the killing, the fighting, the running. There was no part of her that enjoyed the bloodshed.

She looked up.

Bellamy Blake was waiting at the dropship door. He glanced up at her, a sad smile lacing his lips.

She knew that he hated it too. They were two halves of the same whole.

They both were forced into war, forced into violence, forced to grow up too soon.

She hated that someone as genuinely kind as Bellamy Blake could have been ruined.

She remembered now a scene. The pair lying, destroyed against a tree.

Bellamy was pleading, and crying. He had been broken by Earth, by his mothers death, by Octavia.

Clarke shook her head.

She couldn't think about him, the time they had spent together.

His heart belonged to someone else now. In fact it had never belonged to her.

This was a mission and she couldn't not get distracted.

"Hey." He said as she approached him.

She noticed he had a gun strapped to his waist.

"Planning on using that?" She said, seriously.

Bellamy chuckled, reaching softly into Clarke's belt and pulling out the knife.

"Planning on using this?" He said, sarcastically.

"It's different." She replied, flustered.

"It's not different." Bellamy whispered, opening the door to the drop ship.

"After you?" He gestured into the ship.

Clarke let herself smile.

"I'm sorry for- for the gun thing. I'm just tired." She said halfheartedly.

Bellamy chuckled.

"Don't worry about it Princess."

Moments later the pair were strapped into the drop ship.

They decided it was better if they went alone, before they woke everyone up.

It was easier this way.

They could see if it was safe before involving their entire population.

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